WP_utils = {} WP_utils.VERSION = { 1, 3, 0 } ------------------------------------ -- SCRIPT ------------------------------------ -- COMPARES VERSION WITH EXPECTED VERSION. VERSION LIKE { 0, 1, 2 }. -- RETURNS: -- -2 = WRONG FORMAT, -1 = LOADED VERSION IS LOWER, 0 = EXACT SAME VERSION, 1 = LOADED VERSION IS HIGHER THAN EXPECTED function WP_utils:compareVersion(expectedVer, loadedVer) if (type(expectedVer) ~= 'table' or type(loadedVer) ~= 'table' or type(expectedVer[1]) ~= 'number' or type(expectedVer[2]) ~= 'number' or type(expectedVer[3]) ~= 'number' or type(loadedVer[1]) ~= 'number' or type(loadedVer[2]) ~= 'number' or type(loadedVer[3]) ~= 'number') then return -2 elseif (loadedVer[1] == expectedVer[1] and loadedVer[2] == expectedVer[2]) then return 0 elseif (loadedVer[1] > expectedVer[1] or loadedVer[2] > expectedVer[2]) then return 1 else return -1 end end -- TOSTRING FOR VERSION ARR (MUST HAVE FORMAT LIKE { 0, 1, 2 }) function WP_utils:ver2str(v) if (type(v) ~= 'table' or type(v[1]) ~= 'number' or type(v[2]) ~= 'number' or type(v[3]) ~= 'number') then return '?' else return tostring(v[1])..'.'..tostring(v[2])..'.'..tostring(v[3]) end end ------------------------------------ -- ARRAY ------------------------------------ function WP_utils:arrLen(arr) local c = 0 for _ in pairs(arr) do c = c + 1 end return c end ------------------------------------ -- TYPES ------------------------------------ function WP_utils:toInt(x) local num = tonumber(x) return num < 0 and math.ceil(num) or math.floor(num) end ------------------------------------ -- MATH ------------------------------------ function WP_utils:round(float) local int, part = math.modf(float) if float == math.abs(float) and part >= .5 then return int + 1 -- positive float elseif part <= -.5 then return int - 1 -- negative float end return int end function WP_utils:deg2rad(deg) return deg * (math.pi / 180) end function WP_utils:rad2deg(rad) return rad * (180 / math.pi) end -- RETURNS ANGLE OF VECTOR function WP_utils:getAngleFromVec2Rad(vec2) local angle = 0 if (vec2 and vec2.x and vec2.y) then angle = math.atan(vec2.x, vec2.y) if (angle < 0) then angle = angle + 2 * math.pi end end return angle end ------------------------------------ -- STRINGS ------------------------------------ function WP_utils:trim(str) return string.gsub(str, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') end function WP_utils:split(str, sep) if sep == nil then sep = '%s' end local t = {} for part in string.gmatch(str, '([^'..sep..']+)') do table.insert(t, part) end return t end ------------------------------------ -- FILES AND FOLDERS ------------------------------------ -- RETURNS PATH TO FILE (WITH FORWARD SLASHES), BUT WITHOUT FILENAME (AND WITHOUT TRAILING SLASH) function WP_utils:getPath(str) if (type(str) == 'string') then str = WP_utils:trim(str) if (str ~= '') then str = str:gsub('\\', '/'):match('(.*[/\\])') if (type(str) == 'string' and str ~= '') then if (str:sub(-1, -1) == '/') then str = str:sub(1, -2) end else str = '' end else str = '' end else str = '' end return str end -- RETURNS FILENAME ONLY, BUT INCLUDING FILE EXTENSION function WP_utils:getFilenameFromPath(str) return str:match('.*[/\\](.*)') end function WP_utils:fileExists(file) local f = io.open(file, 'rb') if f then f:close() end return f ~= nil end function WP_utils:readFile(file) local f = assert(io.open(file, 'rb')) local content = f:read('*all') f:close() return content end ------------------------------------ -- MOHO LAYERS ------------------------------------ -- RETURNS LAYER BY NAME function WP_utils:getLayerByName(moho, name) local layer local i = -1 repeat i = i + 1 layer = moho.document:LayerByAbsoluteID(i) if layer then if (layer:Name() == name) then return layer end end until not layer return nil end -- CHECKS IF LAYER WITH THIS NAME EXISTS function WP_utils:layerExists(moho, name) return WP_utils:getLayerByName(moho, name) ~= nil end -- FIND NEXT FREE LAYER NAME (RETURNS FALSE ON ISSUE) function WP_utils:findNextFreeLayerName(moho, name) if (type(name) == 'string' and name:len() > 0) then local curNumber local baseName local newLayerName -- GET NEXT NUMBER local numberStr = name:match('%d+$') if (numberStr) then -- NAME ALREADY HAS A NUMBER curNumber = tonumber(numberStr) baseName = string.sub(name, 1, -numberStr:len() - 1) -- !! SUB() IS ONE-BASED!! (OMG LUA WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME) else -- NAME NO NUMBER YET, SO IS CONSIDERED ZERO curNumber = 0 baseName = name end repeat curNumber = curNumber + 1 newLayerName = baseName..tostring(curNumber) until WP_utils:layerExists(moho, newLayerName) == false return newLayerName else return false end end -- CONVERTS ABSOLUTE PIXEL SIZE TO MOHO SIZE FOR LAYER, RETURNS VECTOR2 function WP_utils:getMohoLayerSizeVec2(moho, xPx, yPx) local mohoSizeV2 = LM.Vector2:new_local() if (moho.document:Width() > 0 or moho.document:Height() > 0) then local sceneSize = { x = moho.document:Width(), y = moho.document:Height() } local aspect = sceneSize.x / sceneSize.y mohoSizeV2:Set( (xPx * aspect) / (sceneSize.x * 0.5), yPx / (sceneSize.y * 0.5)) end return mohoSizeV2 end -- CONVERTS ABSOLUTE PIXEL LOCATIONS TO MOHO RELATIVE TRANSLATION FOR LAYER, RETURNS VECTOR2 function WP_utils:getMohoRelLayerTransVec2(moho, xPx, yPx) local trans = LM.Vector2:new_local() local sceneSize = { x = moho.document:Width(), y = moho.document:Height() } local aspect = sceneSize.x / sceneSize.y trans:Set( ((xPx - sceneSize.x * 0.5) / (sceneSize.x * 0.5)) * aspect, (yPx - sceneSize.y * 0.5) / (sceneSize.y * 0.5)) return trans end -- CONVERTS ABSOLUTE PIXEL LOCATIONS TO MOHO RELATIVE TRANSLATION FOR LAYER, RETURNS VECTOR3 function WP_utils:getMohoRelLayerTransVec3(moho, xPx, yPx) local trans3 = LM.Vector3:new_local() local trans2 = WP_utils:getMohoRelLayerTransVec2(moho, xPx, yPx) trans3:Set(trans2.x, trans2.y, 0) return trans3 end ------------------------------------ -- UI ------------------------------------ function WP_utils:alert(msg, allowCancel) local secBtnLbl = nil if (allowCancel ~= nil) then secBtnLbl = MOHO.Localize('/Scripts/Cancel=Cancel') end return LM.GUI.Alert(LM.GUI.ALERT_INFO, msg, nil, nil, MOHO.Localize('/Scripts/OK=OK'), secBtnLbl, nil) end
WP Utils
Author: wigglepixel
View Script
Script type: Utility
Uploaded: Oct 16 2023, 07:11
Last modified: Dec 10 2023, 07:28
Script Version: 0
Wigglepixel Utilities Requirement
Functions etc. required to use within other Wigglepixel scripts.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 861
WP Utils
Author: wigglepixel
View Script
Script type: Utility
Uploaded: Oct 16 2023, 07:11
Last modified: Dec 10 2023, 07:28
Script Version: 0
Wigglepixel Utilities Requirement
Functions etc. required to use within other Wigglepixel scripts.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 861