-- ************************************************** -- Provide Moho with the name of this script object -- ************************************************** ScriptName = "SS_CurveExposure" -- ************************************************** -- Based on LM_CurveExposure 7.0 -- Updated by SimplSam #511022 for MH12+ -- add: <ctrl>-click to Set new Curve Start Point -- ************************************************** SS_CurveExposure = {} function SS_CurveExposure:Name() return "Stroke Exposure" end function SS_CurveExposure:Version() return "7.0+ #511022" end function SS_CurveExposure:Description() return ("Drag side to side to adjust the exposure of a stroke (hold <alt> to expose the opposite end of the stroke. <ctrl/cmd> Click point to set stroke start") --#SC return MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/CurveExposure/Description=Drag side to side to adjust the exposure of a stroke (hold <alt> to expose the opposite end of the stroke") end function SS_CurveExposure:Creator() return ("Lost Marble LLC (+ SimplSam)") end function SS_CurveExposure:UILabel() return(MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/CurveExposure/StrokeExposure=Stroke Exposure")) end -- ************************************************** -- Recurring values -- ************************************************** SS_CurveExposure.selID = -1 SS_CurveExposure.savedVal = 0 -- ************************************************** -- The guts of this script -- ************************************************** function SS_CurveExposure:IsEnabled(moho) if (moho:CountCurves() > 0) then return true end return false end function SS_CurveExposure:IsRelevant(moho) local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return false end return true end function SS_CurveExposure:OnMouseDown(moho, mouseEvent) local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end moho.document:PrepUndo(moho.drawingLayer) moho.document:SetDirty() self.selID = -1 if (not mouseEvent.ctrlKey) then --#SC Ignore Mouse actions if CTRL Key pressed local selCount = 0 for i = 0, mesh:CountCurves() - 1 do local curve = mesh:Curve(i) if (curve:IsSelected()) then selCount = selCount + 1 end end if (selCount < 2) then local curveID = -1 local segID = -1 curveID, segID = mouseEvent.view:PickEdge(mouseEvent.pt, curveID, segID) if (curveID >= 0) then mesh:SelectNone() self.selID = curveID local curve = mesh:Curve(self.selID) for i = 0, curve:CountPoints() - 1 do curve:Point(i).fSelected = true end end end end self.savedVal = 0 mouseEvent.view:DrawMe() end function SS_CurveExposure:OnMouseMoved(moho, mouseEvent) local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end local newVal = (mouseEvent.pt.x - mouseEvent.startPt.x) / mouseEvent.view:Graphics():Width() local curve = nil for i = 0, mesh:CountCurves() - 1 do local curve = mesh:Curve(i) if (curve:IsSelected()) then local exp = 0 if (mouseEvent.altKey) then exp = curve.fStartPercent.value else exp = curve.fEndPercent.value end exp = exp - self.savedVal + newVal exp = LM.Clamp(exp, -0.01, 1.01) if (mouseEvent.altKey) then curve.fStartPercent:SetValue(moho.drawingLayerFrame, exp) else curve.fEndPercent:SetValue(moho.drawingLayerFrame, exp) end end end self.savedVal = newVal moho.drawingLayer:UpdateCurFrame() mouseEvent.view:DrawMe() end function SS_CurveExposure:OnMouseUp(moho, mouseEvent) local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end --#SC If ctrl-click - Set single selected point on outlined closed curve as start, else select all connected points if (mouseEvent.ctrlKey and not mouseEvent.shiftKey) then local didSetStartPoint = false LM_SelectPoints:OnMouseUp(moho, mouseEvent) if (moho:CountSelectedPoints() == 1) then for iCurve = 0, mesh:CountCurves() - 1 do local curve = mesh:Curve(iCurve) if (curve:IsPartiallySelected() and curve.fClosed) then local curvePointCount = curve:CountPoints() if (curvePointCount > 2) then for iPoint = 1, curvePointCount - 1 do local pt = curve:Point(iPoint) if (pt.fSelected) then for iShape = 0, mesh:CountShapes() -1 do local shape = mesh:Shape(iShape) if (shape:ContainsEdge(iCurve, iPoint -1)) then if (shape.fHasOutline) then local fillAllowed = shape.fFillAllowed local hasFill = shape.fHasFill mesh:AddPoint(pt.fPos, iCurve, iPoint -1, 0) mesh:DeleteEdge(iCurve, iPoint, 0) mesh:WeldPoints(mesh:PointID(curve:Point(curvePointCount)), mesh:PointID(pt), 0) shape.fFillAllowed = fillAllowed shape.fHasFill = hasFill didSetStartPoint = true end break end end break end end end break end end end if (not didSetStartPoint) then mesh:SelectConnected() end end moho:UpdateSelectedChannels() moho:NewKeyframe(CHANNEL_CURVEEXP) end function SS_CurveExposure:OnKeyDown(moho, keyEvent) LM_SelectPoints:OnKeyDown(moho, keyEvent) end -- ************************************************** -- Tool options - create and respond to tool's UI -- ************************************************** SS_CurveExposure.CHANGE_START = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 1 SS_CurveExposure.CHANGE_END = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 2 SS_CurveExposure.DUMMY = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 3 SS_CurveExposure.SELECTITEM = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 4 function SS_CurveExposure:DoLayout(moho, layout) self.menu = LM.GUI.Menu(MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/CurveExposure/SelectGroup=Select Group")) self.popup = LM.GUI.PopupMenu(128, false) self.popup:SetMenu(self.menu) layout:AddChild(self.popup) layout:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText(MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/FollowCurve/StartPercentage=Start percentage:"))) self.startPercentage = LM.GUI.TextControl(0, "00.0000", self.CHANGE_START, LM.GUI.FIELD_UFLOAT) self.startPercentage:SetWheelInc(1.0) layout:AddChild(self.startPercentage) layout:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText(MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/FollowCurve/EndPercentage=End percentage:"))) self.endPercentage = LM.GUI.TextControl(0, "00.0000", self.CHANGE_END, LM.GUI.FIELD_UFLOAT) self.endPercentage:SetWheelInc(1.0) layout:AddChild(self.endPercentage) end function SS_CurveExposure:UpdateWidgets(moho) if (moho:CurrentTool() ~= "SS_CurveExposure") then return -- this could get called when doing a double-tap on a multitouch Wacom device with a different active tool end local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end MOHO.BuildGroupMenu(self.menu, mesh, self.SELECTITEM, self.DUMMY) local numCurves = 0 local startPercent = 0.0 local endPercent = 0.0 for i = 0, mesh:CountCurves() - 1 do local curve = mesh:Curve(i) if (curve:IsSelected()) then numCurves = numCurves + 1 startPercent = startPercent + curve.fStartPercent.value endPercent = endPercent + curve.fEndPercent.value end end if (numCurves > 0) then startPercent = startPercent * 100.0 / numCurves startPercent = LM.Clamp(startPercent, 0.0, 100.0) endPercent = endPercent * 100.0 / numCurves endPercent = LM.Clamp(endPercent, 0.0, 100.0) self.startPercentage:SetValue(startPercent) self.startPercentage:Enable(true) self.endPercentage:SetValue(endPercent) self.endPercentage:Enable(true) else self.startPercentage:SetValue("") self.startPercentage:Enable(false) self.endPercentage:SetValue("") self.endPercentage:Enable(false) end end function SS_CurveExposure:HandleMessage(moho, view, msg) local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end if (msg == self.CHANGE_START) then moho.document:PrepUndo(moho.drawingLayer) moho.document:SetDirty() local startPercent = self.startPercentage:FloatValue() / 100.0 startPercent = LM.Clamp(startPercent, 0.0, 1.0) if (startPercent < 0.0001) then startPercent = -0.01 end for i = 0, mesh:CountCurves() - 1 do local curve = mesh:Curve(i) if (curve:IsSelected()) then curve.fStartPercent:SetValue(moho.drawingLayerFrame, startPercent) end end view:DrawMe() moho:NewKeyframe(CHANNEL_CURVEEXP) moho:UpdateUI() elseif (msg == self.CHANGE_END) then moho.document:PrepUndo(moho.drawingLayer) moho.document:SetDirty() local endPercent = self.endPercentage:FloatValue() / 100.0 endPercent = LM.Clamp(endPercent, 0.0, 1.0) if (endPercent > 0.9999) then endPercent = 1.01 end for i = 0, mesh:CountCurves() - 1 do local curve = mesh:Curve(i) if (curve:IsSelected()) then curve.fEndPercent:SetValue(moho.drawingLayerFrame, endPercent) end end view:DrawMe() moho:NewKeyframe(CHANNEL_CURVEEXP) moho:UpdateUI() elseif (msg >= self.SELECTITEM) then mesh:SelectNone() local i = msg - self.SELECTITEM local name = mesh:Group(i):Name() mesh:SelectGroup(name) moho:UpdateUI() end end
SS - Curve Exposure+ Change Anchor Point of Curve
Author: simplsam
View Script
Script type: Tool
Uploaded: Oct 23 2021, 20:48
Script Version: 7.0+ #511022
Allows the Anchor Point on an exposure curve to be set to any Point of the curve
A quick hack of the standard Curve Exposure tool. The update allows you to Ctrl/Cmd-Click a Point on a curve and have that point set as the start anchor point of the Exposure Curve.
How to use:
- Select the SS Curve Exposure tool
- Ctrl-Click on the desired start point
If the new-start-point change works - then the point will be the only point selected. Click or Ctrl-Click that point again to select all connected points.
For the new feature to work successfully...
The Shape Curve of the selected point must:
- be Stroked/Outlined
- be Closed
- have more than 2 points
The selected Point must not:
- already be the first point
If the point is not set-able or already set as the start of the curve, then all connected points will be selected. This is similar to the selection behaviour of the standard tool, and also allows you to Ctrl double-Click a point to make it the Start exposure point and then permit the exposure function to work as normal.
Behind the scenes it works pretty much in a manner illustrated by @EricTheFish on the LostMarble Forum. i.e. Add a new point, Delete Edge, Weld points and Fix the Shape.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 1023
SS - Curve Exposure+ Change Anchor Point of Curve
Author: simplsam
View Script
Script type: Tool
Uploaded: Oct 23 2021, 20:48
Script Version: 7.0+ #511022
Allows the Anchor Point on an exposure curve to be set to any Point of the curve
A quick hack of the standard Curve Exposure tool. The update allows you to Ctrl/Cmd-Click a Point on a curve and have that point set as the start anchor point of the Exposure Curve.
How to use:
- Select the SS Curve Exposure tool
- Ctrl-Click on the desired start point
If the new-start-point change works - then the point will be the only point selected. Click or Ctrl-Click that point again to select all connected points.
For the new feature to work successfully...
The Shape Curve of the selected point must:
- be Stroked/Outlined
- be Closed
- have more than 2 points
The selected Point must not:
- already be the first point
If the point is not set-able or already set as the start of the curve, then all connected points will be selected. This is similar to the selection behaviour of the standard tool, and also allows you to Ctrl double-Click a point to make it the Start exposure point and then permit the exposure function to work as normal.
Behind the scenes it works pretty much in a manner illustrated by @EricTheFish on the LostMarble Forum. i.e. Add a new point, Delete Edge, Weld points and Fix the Shape.
How to use:
- Select the SS Curve Exposure tool
- Ctrl-Click on the desired start point
If the new-start-point change works - then the point will be the only point selected. Click or Ctrl-Click that point again to select all connected points.
For the new feature to work successfully...
The Shape Curve of the selected point must:
- be Stroked/Outlined
- be Closed
- have more than 2 points
The selected Point must not:
- already be the first point
If the point is not set-able or already set as the start of the curve, then all connected points will be selected. This is similar to the selection behaviour of the standard tool, and also allows you to Ctrl double-Click a point to make it the Start exposure point and then permit the exposure function to work as normal.
Behind the scenes it works pretty much in a manner illustrated by @EricTheFish on the LostMarble Forum. i.e. Add a new point, Delete Edge, Weld points and Fix the Shape.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 1023