IK to FK bone angles fix
Script for adjusting bone angles when switching from Inverse Kinematics (IK) to Forward Kinematics (FK)
Category: Bones
Published: Jan 21 2025, 20:40
Last Edited: Jan 21 2025, 20:42
Created for Moho Version: 12.0
Returned Version: 1
Edition Downloads: 77
Script for adjusting bone angles when switching from Inverse Kinematics (IK) to Forward Kinematics (FK)
1. Select the bones involved in IK (e.g., the thigh and shin).
2. Run the script via Scripts/Bone/IK to FK.
3. The script will key the current angle values of the selected bones. After this, you can cancel the target using the standard Reparent Bone tool.
1. Select the bones involved in IK (e.g., the thigh and shin).
2. Run the script via Scripts/Bone/IK to FK.
3. The script will key the current angle values of the selected bones. After this, you can cancel the target using the standard Reparent Bone tool.