-- ************************************************** -- Provide Moho with the name of this script object -- ************************************************** ScriptName = "AE_WalkCycle" -- ************************************************** -- General information about this script -- ************************************************** AE_WalkCycle = {} function AE_WalkCycle:Name() return 'Walk Cycle' end function AE_WalkCycle:Version() return '1.0' end function AE_WalkCycle:UILabel() return 'Walk Cycle' end function AE_WalkCycle:Creator() return 'Alexandra Evseeva' end function AE_WalkCycle:Description() return 'Additive walk from PlayStart to PlayEnd' end -- ************************************************** -- Is Relevant / Is Enabled -- ************************************************** function AE_WalkCycle:IsRelevant(moho) return true end function AE_WalkCycle:IsEnabled(moho) return true end -- ************************************************** -- The guts of this script -- ************************************************** function AE_WalkCycle:Run(moho) moho.document:SetDirty() moho.document:PrepUndo(nil) local skel = moho:Skeleton() if not skel then return LM.GUI.Alert(LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING, "Skeleton not found") end local skelLayer = moho.layer:ControllingBoneLayer() or moho.layer local startFrame = MOHO.MohoGlobals.PlayStart if startFrame == -1 then startFrame = 1 end startFrame = startFrame + skelLayer:TotalTimingOffset() local endFrame = MOHO.MohoGlobals.PlayEnd if endFrame == -1 then endFrame = moho.frame end endFrame = endFrame + skelLayer:TotalTimingOffset() local centerFrame = (endFrame + startFrame)/2 local rootBones = {} for b = 0, skel:CountBones() - 1 do local bone = skel:Bone(b) if bone.fAnimParent.value == -1 and not bone.fHidden then table.insert(rootBones, bone) end end local addValue = LM.Vector2:new_local() local selBone = skel:Bone(skel:SelectedBoneID()) if not selBone or selBone.fAnimParent.value > -1 then local midValue = LM.Vector2:new_local() for i, bone in pairs(rootBones) do local dist = bone.fAnimPos:GetValue(centerFrame) - bone.fAnimPos:GetValue(startFrame) midValue = midValue + dist end midValue = midValue / #rootBones local minDist = math.huge for i, bone in pairs(rootBones) do local dist = bone.fAnimPos:GetValue(centerFrame) - bone.fAnimPos:GetValue(startFrame) local distDelta = (dist - midValue):Mag() if distDelta < minDist then minDist, addValue = distDelta, dist end end addValue = addValue * 2 else addValue = selBone.fAnimPos:GetValue(endFrame) - selBone.fAnimPos:GetValue(startFrame) end local interp = MOHO.InterpSetting:new_local() interp.interpMode = MOHO.INTERP_CYCLE interp.val1 = -1 interp.val2 = startFrame + 1 for j, i, channel, chInfo in AE_Utilities:IterateAllChannels(moho, skelLayer) do channel = AE_Utilities:GetDerivedChannel(moho, channel, true) if channel and channel:Duration() > startFrame then local startVal = channel:GetValue(startFrame) channel:SetValue(startFrame, startVal) channel:SetValue(endFrame, startVal) channel:SetKeyInterp(endFrame, interp) end end interp:SetAdditiveCycle(true) for i, bone in pairs(rootBones) do local startVal = bone.fAnimPos:GetValue(startFrame) local endVal = startVal + addValue bone.fAnimPos:SetValue(endFrame, endVal) bone.fAnimPos:SetKeyInterp(endFrame, interp) end end
Additive Walk Cycle
Author: A.Evseeva
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Apr 09 2022, 12:40
Script Version: 1.0
Create additive walk cycle for a bone layer
Select start and end frames with green and red markers (playstart and playend), or, by default, start is 1 and end is current frame. Select a non-parented bone whish position at end frame is just what You wanted. With no bones selected the added part of root bones' movement will be calculated approximately.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 1464
Additive Walk Cycle
Author: A.Evseeva
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Apr 09 2022, 12:40
Script Version: 1.0
Create additive walk cycle for a bone layer
Select start and end frames with green and red markers (playstart and playend), or, by default, start is 1 and end is current frame. Select a non-parented bone whish position at end frame is just what You wanted. With no bones selected the added part of root bones' movement will be calculated approximately.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 1464