-- ************************************************** -- Provide Moho with the name of this script object -- ************************************************** ScriptName = "AE_TriangulateShapes" -- ************************************************** -- General information about this script -- ************************************************** AE_TriangulateShapes = {} function AE_TriangulateShapes:Name() return "Triangulate shapes" end function AE_TriangulateShapes:Version() return "1.0" end function AE_TriangulateShapes:UILabel() return "Triangulate shapes" end function AE_TriangulateShapes:Creator() return "Alexandra Evseeva" end function AE_TriangulateShapes:Description() return "Tries to triangulate each shape on a layer. Illegal shapes will be deleted." end -- ************************************************** -- Recurring values -- ************************************************** -- AE_TriangulateShapes.value1 = false -- ************************************************** -- Is Enabled -- ************************************************** function AE_TriangulateShapes:IsEnabled(moho) return true end -- ************************************************** -- The guts of this script -- ************************************************** function AE_TriangulateShapes:Run(moho) moho.document:PrepUndo(moho.layer) moho.document:SetDirty() --self.outputfile = io.open("p:/temp/test.txt", "w") --io.output(self.outputfile) local mesh = moho:Mesh() if not mesh then LM.GUI:Alert(LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING, "Select mesh layer") return end local trianglesToBuild = {} local shapesToDelete = {} for s=0, mesh:CountShapes()-1 do local nextShape = mesh:Shape(s) local nPoints = nextShape:CountPoints() if nPoints < 3 then table.insert(shapesToDelete, nextShape) elseif nPoints > 3 then self:TriangulateShape(moho, mesh, nextShape, trianglesToBuild) table.insert(shapesToDelete, nextShape) end end for k,v in pairs(shapesToDelete) do local id = mesh:ShapeID(v) mesh:DeleteShape(id) end for k,v in pairs(trianglesToBuild) do self:BuildTriangle(moho, mesh, v[1], v[2], v[3]) end for p=0, mesh:CountPoints()-1 do mesh:Point(p):SetCurvature(MOHO.PEAKED, 0) end --io.close(self.outputfile) end function AE_TriangulateShapes:CheckIntersection(a1, a2, b1, b2) local v1 = (b2.x - b1.x)*(a1.y - b1.y) - (b2.y - b1.y)*(a1.x - b1.x) local v2 = (b2.x - b1.x)*(a2.y - b1.y) - (b2.y - b1.y)*(a2.x - b1.x) local v3 = (a2.x - a1.x)*(b1.y - a1.y) - (a2.y - a1.y)*(b1.x - a1.x) local v4 = (a2.x - a1.x)*(b2.y - a1.y) - (a2.y - a1.y)*(b2.x - a1.x) return (v1*v2<0) and (v3*v4<0) end function AE_TriangulateShapes:BuildEdge(mesh, p1ID, p2ID) --[[ mesh:AddLonePoint(mesh:Point(p1ID).fPos, 0) mesh:AppendPoint(mesh:Point(p2ID).fPos, 0) mesh:WeldPoints(mesh:CountPoints()-2, p1ID, 0) mesh:WeldPoints(mesh:CountPoints()-1, p2ID, 0) --]] local addVector = LM.Vector2:new_local() addVector:Set(0.05, 0.05) mesh:AddLonePoint(mesh:Point(p1ID).fPos + addVector, 0) mesh:AppendPoint(mesh:Point(p1ID).fPos, 0) local d1 = mesh:Point(mesh:CountPoints()-2) local p1 = mesh:Point(mesh:CountPoints()-1) p1:SetCurvature(MOHO.PEAKED, 0) mesh:AppendPoint(mesh:Point(p2ID).fPos, 0) local p2 = mesh:Point(mesh:CountPoints()-1) p2:SetCurvature(MOHO.PEAKED, 0) mesh:AppendPoint(mesh:Point(p2ID).fPos + addVector, 0) local d2 = mesh:Point(mesh:CountPoints()-1) --io.write("Total: ", mesh:CountPoints(), "; New: ", mesh:PointID(d1), " ", mesh:PointID(p1), " ", mesh:PointID(p2), " ", mesh:PointID(d2), "\n") local newCurve = p1:Curve(0) mesh:WeldPoints(mesh:PointID(p1), p1ID, 0) mesh:WeldPoints(mesh:PointID(p2), p2ID, 0) mesh:DeletePoint(mesh:PointID(d1)) mesh:DeletePoint(mesh:PointID(d2)) for i=0, newCurve:CountSegments()-1 do newCurve:SetSegmentOn(i, false) end end function AE_TriangulateShapes:BuildTriangle(moho, mesh, p1, p2, p3) local edges = {{p1,p2}, {p2,p3}, {p3,p1}} for k,v in pairs(edges) do if not self:CheckEdge(moho, mesh, v[1], v[2]) then self:BuildEdge(mesh, mesh:PointID(v[1]), mesh:PointID(v[2])) end end mesh:SelectNone() p1.fSelected = true p1:SetCurvature(MOHO.PEAKED, 0) p2.fSelected = true p2:SetCurvature(MOHO.PEAKED, 0) p3.fSelected = true p3:SetCurvature(MOHO.PEAKED, 0) moho:CreateShape(true) end function AE_TriangulateShapes:CheckEdge(moho, mesh, p1, p2) for c=0, p1:CountCurves()-1 do local where = -1 local curve, where = p1:Curve(c, where) if where < curve:CountPoints()-1 or curve.fClosed then if curve:IsPointOnSegment(mesh:PointID(p2), where) then return true end end if where > 0 or curve.fClosed then where = where - 1 if where < 0 then where = curve:CountPoints()-1 end if curve:IsPointOnSegment(mesh:PointID(p2), where) then return true end end end return false end function AE_TriangulateShapes:TriangulateShape(moho, mesh, existingShape, trianglesToBuild) --io.write("triangulation started for shape ", mesh:ShapeID(existingShape),"\n") local legalShape, vertices = self:CollectShapeVertices(moho, mesh, existingShape) --io.write("shape is ", legalShape and "" or "not", " legal","\n") if not legalShape then return end i = 1 while #vertices > 3 do local success = true while success and #vertices > 3 do --io.write("run with i = ", i,"\n") success, IDs = self:BuildAnEar(moho, mesh, vertices, i) if success then table.insert(trianglesToBuild, {vertices[IDs[1]], vertices[IDs[2]], vertices[IDs[3]]}) table.remove(vertices, IDs[2]) if IDs[2]<i then i = i-1 end --io.write("remove id ", IDs[2], " Now array has ", #vertices,"\n") end end if #vertices > 3 then i = i + 1 if i > #vertices then i = 1 end end end if #vertices == 3 then table.insert(trianglesToBuild, vertices) end end function AE_TriangulateShapes:CollectShapeVertices(moho, mesh, shape) --io.write("Shape ", mesh:ShapeID(shape), " check started","\n") local returnTable = {} local edges = {} for p=0, shape:CountPoints()-1 do local meshID = shape:GetPoint(p) local nextPoint = mesh:Point(meshID) local segmentsInShape = 0 local nextPointInfo = {["point"] = nextPoint, ["edges"]={}} --io.write("Point ", p, "(number ", meshID, " in mesh) has ", nextPoint:CountCurves(), " curves","\n") for c=0, nextPoint:CountCurves()-1 do local pointOnCurve = -1 local nextCurve, pointOnCurve = nextPoint:Curve(c) local curveSegsInShape = 0 if pointOnCurve < nextCurve:CountPoints()-1 or nextCurve.fClosed then if shape:ContainsEdge(mesh:CurveID(nextCurve), pointOnCurve) then curveSegsInShape = curveSegsInShape + 1 table.insert(nextPointInfo.edges, {["curve"]= nextCurve, ["seg"]= pointOnCurve, ["self"] = 0}) end end if pointOnCurve > 0 or nextCurve.fClosed then local seg = pointOnCurve - 1 if seg < 0 then seg = nextCurve:CountPoints()-1 end if shape:ContainsEdge(mesh:CurveID(nextCurve), seg) then curveSegsInShape = curveSegsInShape + 1 table.insert(nextPointInfo.edges, {["curve"]= nextCurve, ["seg"]= seg, ["self"] = 1}) end end if nextCurve:CountPoints() == 2 and curveSegsInShape == 2 then curveSegsInShape = 1 end --io.write("Curve ", c, "/", mesh:CurveID(nextCurve), "( ", pointOnCurve, " point on curve, total ", nextCurve:CountPoints(), " points in curve) has ", curveSegsInShape, " segs in Shape","\n") segmentsInShape = segmentsInShape + curveSegsInShape end --io.write(segmentsInShape, " segments in shape","\n") if segmentsInShape ~= 2 then return false end table.insert(edges, nextPointInfo) end local sorted = {} local currentEntry = edges[1] local nextEntry = nil local previousPoint = nil table.insert(sorted, currentEntry) repeat nextEntry = self:FindNextEntry(moho, mesh, edges, previousPoint, currentEntry) if nextEntry then table.insert(sorted, nextEntry) previousPoint = currentEntry.point currentEntry = nextEntry end --io.write("now first condition is ", (nextEntry == nil)and "true" or "false", " second is ", (nextEntry.point == sorted[1].point) and "true" or "false", "\n") until nextEntry == nil or nextEntry.point == sorted[1].point --io.write("Now sorted has ", #sorted, " and edges has ", #edges, "\n") if #sorted < #edges then return false end if sorted[1].point == sorted[#sorted].point then table.remove(sorted, #sorted) else return false end for k,v in pairs(sorted) do table.insert(returnTable, v.point) end --[[ local lastConnectToFirst = false for k,v in pairs(edges[shape:CountPoints()-1]) do if v.curve:IsPointOnSegment(shape:GetPoint(0), v.seg) then lastConnectToFirst = true end end if not lastConnectToFirst then return false end --]] --io.write("Last connect to first checked","\n") for e=0, shape:CountEdges()-1 do curveID, segID = shape:GetEdge(e, curveID, segID) local nextCurve = mesh:Curve(curveID) local pa1 = nextCurve:Point(segID) segID = segID + 1 if segID > nextCurve:CountPoints()-1 then segID = 0 end local pa2 = nextCurve:Point(segID) for ee = e+1, shape:CountEdges()-1 do curveID, segID = shape:GetEdge(ee, curveID, segID) nextCurve = mesh:Curve(curveID) local pb1 = nextCurve:Point(segID) segID = segID + 1 if segID > nextCurve:CountPoints()-1 then segID = 0 end local pb2 = nextCurve:Point(segID) if self:CheckIntersection(pa1.fPos, pa2.fPos, pb1.fPos, pb2.fPos) then return false end end end return true, returnTable end function AE_TriangulateShapes:FindNextEntry(moho, mesh, edgesArray, previousPoint, currentEntry) --io.write("Entering FindNextEntry with point no ", mesh:PointID(previousPoint), " as previous, point no ", mesh:PointID(currentEntry.point), " as current\n") for i=1,2 do local edge = currentEntry.edges[i] --io.write("edge no ", i, " is curve no ", mesh:CurveID(edge.curve), " seg no ", edge.seg, " self is ", edge.self, "\n") local otherPoint = edge.curve:Point(edge.seg + 1 - edge.self) --io.write("other point is ", mesh:PointID(otherPoint), "\n") if otherPoint ~= previousPoint then for k,v in pairs(edgesArray) do --io.write("Check point no ", mesh:PointID(v.point), "\n") if v.point == otherPoint then --io.write("found\n") return v end end end end --io.write("not found\n") return nil end function AE_TriangulateShapes:BuildAnEar(moho, mesh, vertices, i) local k1 = i local k2 = k1 + 1 if k2 > #vertices then k2 = 1 end local k3 = k2 + 1 if k3 > #vertices then k3 = 1 end local a1 = vertices[k1] local a2 = vertices[k3] local a3pos = (a1.fPos + a2.fPos)/2 local a4pos = (a1.fPos + vertices[k2].fPos)/2 local a4etern = a3pos + ((a4pos - a3pos) * 1000) local numIntersects = 0 for k, b1 in pairs(vertices) do local kk = k + 1 if kk > #vertices then kk = 1 end b2 = vertices[kk] if self:CheckIntersection(a1.fPos, a2.fPos, b1.fPos, b2.fPos) then return false end if self:CheckIntersection(a3pos, a4etern, b1.fPos, b2.fPos) then numIntersects = numIntersects + 1 end end --io.write("first check passed","\n") if math.fmod(numIntersects, 2) == 0 then return false end return true, {k1, k2, k3} end
AE Trangulate Shapes
Author: A.Evseeva
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Sep 15 2020, 10:34
Script Version: 1.0
Alternative to built-in Triangulate 2D Mesh, not deleting existing edges
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 857
AE Trangulate Shapes
Author: A.Evseeva
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Sep 15 2020, 10:34
Script Version: 1.0
Alternative to built-in Triangulate 2D Mesh, not deleting existing edges
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 857