
By: Lukas

Published: May 25 2023, 06:25

All Editions Downloads: 1228

Unique IP Downloads: 1228

Flip through Storyboard as Tracing Image

Category: Other

Published: May 25 2023, 06:25

Last Edited: Sep 5 2023, 12:54

Created for Moho Version: 13.5.3

Returned Version: 0.0

Edition Downloads: 1228

Useful in case you are using an image sequence as Storyboard, and if the Storyboard contains the shot layout as well.

You need a folder named "STB" in the same folder as the Moho file. (I suggest keeping each Shot in a seperate Shot folder, each with their own STB folder)

Inside the STB folder should be an image sequence.



The script is supplied with the following files:

Icons and cursors:

This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.

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