Set Warp Layer

By: Lukas

Published: Jun 13 2023, 08:37

All Editions Downloads: 716

Unique IP Downloads: 716

Allows user to choose warp layer for selected layer(s) (include warp layer in layer selection).

Category: Layers

Published: Jun 13 2023, 08:37

Last Edited: Jun 13 2023, 09:16

Created for Moho Version: 13.5.3

Returned Version: 1.0

Edition Downloads: 716

Select multiple layers, including a layer that can be used as a warp layer. Run the script, it will present a dropdown list of the selected layers that are available to be used as a warp layer. Choose one and hit OK, and the Warp Layer will be set for all selected layers (except for the warp layer itself of course).

If you have a single layer selected that is being warped by another warp layer, the button removes the warp layer from the selected layer.

The script is supplied with the following files:

Icons and cursors:


This type of script can be installed as a Button or a Menu Script ?

This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.

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