Render and overwrite .PNG sequences
Category: Other
Published: Apr 19 2022, 07:12
Last Edited: Sep 15 2023, 05:31
Created for Moho Version: 13.5.3
Returned Version: 0.3
Edition Downloads: 1214

Please save your file with correct formatting: *_v001_X.moho
For example:
This makes it easy to keep track of versions and see who the last animator of a shot was.
Everything before _v001_X will be considered the Shotname of the file.
This means rendering file Hello_v002_X.moho will always overwrite the render of Hello_v001_X.moho
A Renders directory will be created in the same location as the highest Shots directory in the file's path. If no Shots directory is found the Renders directory is created in the same location as the moho file.
Inside the Renders directory another directory will be created with the Shotname.
If the file contains Layercomps they will be rendered in subfolders of the sequence folder. The regular sequence will also still be rendered but without the layers specified in the layercomps. This sequence could be considered the background in most cases.
This script has some stuff in it that sends a render to our studio's render server, which is of course disabled, but could be modified to use your own system. That's why I left it in. Feel free to modify it to your specific needs.
The script will assume your Moho install is located at any of these locations:
C:/Program Files/Moho/Moho.exe
C:/Program Files/Moho 14/Moho.exe
C:/Program Files/Moho 13/Moho.exe
C:/Program Files/Moho 12/Moho.exe