-- ************************************************** -- Provide Moho with the name of this script object -- ************************************************** ScriptName = "LK_LayerFinder" -- ************************************************** -- General information about this script -- ************************************************** LK_LayerFinder = {} function LK_LayerFinder:Name() return 'Layer Finder' end function LK_LayerFinder:Version() return '0.2' end function LK_LayerFinder:UILabel() return 'Layer Finder' end function LK_LayerFinder:Creator() return 'Lukas Krepel' end function LK_LayerFinder:Description(mode) if self.mode == 1 then return "Select keyed layers." elseif self.mode == 2 then return "Select bone + keyed child-layers." elseif self.mode == 3 then return "Select layers tagged 'Rig'." end end function LK_LayerFinder:ColorizeIcon() return true end -- ************************************************** -- Is Relevant / Is Enabled -- ************************************************** function LK_LayerFinder:IsRelevant(moho) if FO_Utilities:MohoVersion(moho) < 14 then return false end if MohoMode ~= nil then if MohoMode.vanilla then return false end end return true end LK_LayerFinder.dialog = nil LK_LayerFinder.buttonCount = 10 -- ************************************************** -- LK_LayerFinderDialog -- ************************************************** local LK_LayerFinderDialog = {} LK_LayerFinder.modes = { "Keys", "Bone", "Rig" } LK_LayerFinder.mode = 1 LK_LayerFinder.ignoreHidden = true LK_LayerFinder.pageCount = 1 LK_LayerFinder.currentPage = 1 LK_LayerFinder.layers = {} LK_LayerFinderDialog.SELECT_PREVIOUS_MODE = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 0 LK_LayerFinderDialog.SELECT_NEXT_MODE = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 1 LK_LayerFinderDialog.PAGE_DOWN = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 2 LK_LayerFinderDialog.PAGE_UP = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 3 LK_LayerFinderDialog.SELECT_MODE = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 10 -- * 10 t/m 99 LK_LayerFinderDialog.SELECT_LAYER = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 100 -- * 100 t/m 199 LK_LayerFinderDialog.SELECT_LAYER_ALT = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 200 -- * 200 t/m 299 function LK_LayerFinderDialog:new() local d = LM.GUI.SimpleDialog('Layer Finder', LK_LayerFinderDialog) local l = d:GetLayout() local width = 180 l:PushV(LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT, 0) l:PushH(LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT, 1) -- * Mode dropdown: d.modeLabel = LM.GUI.StaticText("Mode:") l:AddChild(d.modeLabel) d.modeDropdown_popup = LM.GUI.PopupMenu(100, false) l:AddChild(d.modeDropdown_popup) -- * l:PushH(LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER, 0) d.prevModeButton = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/FO_icons/arrow_left", "Previous mode", false, self.SELECT_PREVIOUS_MODE, true) l:AddChild(d.prevModeButton, LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT, 0) d.nextModeButton = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/FO_icons/arrow_right", "Next mode", false, self.SELECT_NEXT_MODE, true) l:AddChild(d.nextModeButton, LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT, 0) l:Pop() -- * H l:Pop() -- * H -- * d.descriptionText = LM.GUI.DynamicText('', width) l:AddChild(d.descriptionText, LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT, 0) d.staticText = LM.GUI.StaticText("Hold <alt> to select multiple layers.") l:AddChild(d.staticText, LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT, 0) l:Pop() -- * V l:PushV(LM.GUI.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0) -- * to include pagecount txt. -- * Buttons to select layers: l:PushV(LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT, 0) d.buttons = {} for i = 1, LK_LayerFinder.buttonCount do if i == 1 or i == LK_LayerFinder.buttonCount then l:PushH(LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT, 0) -- * Horizontal for page up/down buttons. end local button = LM.GUI.Button('room for a big loooong name', d.SELECT_LAYER + i) button:SetAlternateMessage(d.SELECT_LAYER_ALT + i) l:AddChild(button, LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT, 0) table.insert(d.buttons, button) if i == 1 then d.pageUpButton = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/FO_icons/dialUp", "Page up.", false, self.PAGE_UP, true) l:AddChild(d.pageUpButton, LM.GUI.ALIGN_TOP) end if i == LK_LayerFinder.buttonCount then d.pageDownButton = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/FO_icons/dialDown", "Page down.", false, self.PAGE_DOWN, true) l:AddChild(d.pageDownButton, LM.GUI.ALIGN_BOTTOM) end if i == 1 or i == LK_LayerFinder.buttonCount then l:Pop() -- * Horizontal for page up/down buttons. end end l:Pop() -- * Vertical layerselectbuttons -- * d.pageText = LM.GUI.DynamicText('', 80) -- l:AddChild(d.pageText, LM.GUI.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0) -- * d.infoText = LM.GUI.DynamicText('', width) l:AddChild(d.infoText, LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT, 0) l:Pop() -- * V return d end function LK_LayerFinderDialog:HandleMessage(msg) local helper = MOHO.ScriptInterfaceHelper:new_local() local moho = helper:MohoObject() if msg == self.SELECT_NEXT_MODE then LK_LayerFinder.mode = LK_LayerFinder.mode + 1 if LK_LayerFinder.mode > #LK_LayerFinder.modes then LK_LayerFinder.mode = 1 end elseif msg == self.SELECT_PREVIOUS_MODE then LK_LayerFinder.mode = LK_LayerFinder.mode - 1 if LK_LayerFinder.mode < 1 then LK_LayerFinder.mode = #LK_LayerFinder.modes end elseif msg == self.PAGE_DOWN then LK_LayerFinder.currentPage = LK_LayerFinder.currentPage + 1 if LK_LayerFinder.currentPage > LK_LayerFinder.pageCount then LK_LayerFinder.currentPage = 1 end elseif msg == self.PAGE_UP then LK_LayerFinder.currentPage = LK_LayerFinder.currentPage - 1 if LK_LayerFinder.currentPage < 1 then LK_LayerFinder.currentPage = LK_LayerFinder.pageCount end elseif msg < self.SELECT_LAYER then local i = msg - self.SELECT_MODE LK_LayerFinder.mode = i elseif msg >= self.SELECT_LAYER then local i = msg - self.SELECT_LAYER altKey = false if i >= 100 then i = i - 100 altKey = true end local layer = LK_LayerFinder.layers[i + (LK_LayerFinder.currentPage-1)*LK_LayerFinder.buttonCount] if layer == nil then print ("uh oh") return end local multiSelect = altKey moho:SetSelLayer(layer, multiSelect, false) FO_Utilities:CollapseGroups(moho) moho:ShowLayerInLayersPalette(layer) if LK_LayerFinder.mode == 2 or LK_LayerFinder.mode == 3 then -- * 2 = Bone / 3 = Rig FO_Utilities:SecondarySelectKeyedChildLayers(moho, layer) end end moho:UpdateUI() helper:delete() end function LK_LayerFinderDialog:OnOK() LK_LayerFinder.dialog = nil end function LK_LayerFinder:WhatLayers(moho) local layers = {} local mode = self.mode if mode == 3 then layers = FO_Utilities:ListLayersWithTag(FO_Utilities.rigTag, moho) elseif mode == 2 then layers = FO_Utilities:ListLayersOfType(MOHO.LT_BONE, moho) elseif mode == 1 then local allLayers = FO_Utilities:AllLayers(moho) for i = 1, #allLayers do local layer = allLayers[i] if FO_Utilities:LayerIsAnimated(moho, layer) then table.insert(layers, layer) end end end -- * if self.ignoreHidden then for i = 1, #layers do local layer = layers[i] if layer == nil then break end if not layer:IsVisible() then table.removeElement(layers, layer) i = i - 1 end end end -- * table.reverse(layers) return layers end function LK_LayerFinderUpdateDialog(moho) if LK_LayerFinder.dialog ~= nil then LK_LayerFinder:UpdateWidgets() end end table.insert(MOHO.UpdateTable, LK_LayerFinderUpdateDialog) function LK_LayerFinder:UpdateWidgets() for i = 1, #self.dialog.buttons do local button = self.dialog.buttons[i] button:Enable(false) button:SetLabel("", false) button:SetToolTip("") end -- * Create moho object: local helper = MOHO.ScriptInterfaceHelper:new_local() local moho = helper:MohoObject() -- * self.layers = self:WhatLayers(moho) self.dialog.infoText:SetValue(math.floor(moho.document:CountSelectedLayers()).." selected layers.") self.pageCount = 1 self.pageCount = math.ceil(#self.layers/self.buttonCount) if self.pageCount == 0 then self.pageCount = 1 end if self.currentPage > self.pageCount then self.currentPage = self.pageCount end self.dialog.pageText:SetValue(("Page "..self.currentPage.."/"..self.pageCount)) for i = 1, self.buttonCount do local button = self.dialog.buttons[i] local layer = self.layers[i + (self.currentPage-1)*self.buttonCount] if layer ~= nil then button:SetToolTip(FO_Utilities:LayerStructure(layer)) local buttonLabel = layer:Name() if layer == moho.layer then buttonLabel = "→ "..buttonLabel.." ←" button:SetValue(true) -- * Doesn't show it unfortunately... elseif layer:SecondarySelection() then buttonLabel = "・ "..buttonLabel.." ・" button:SetValue(true) -- * Doesn't show it unfortunately... else button:SetValue(false) -- * Doesn't show it unfortunately... end button:SetLabel(buttonLabel, false) button:Redraw() button:Enable(true) end end -- self.dialog.descriptionText:SetValue(self:Description(self.mode)) -- * Update mode dropdown: self.dialog.modeDropdown_menu = LM.GUI.Menu(self.modes[self.mode]) for i = 1, #LK_LayerFinder.modes do self.dialog.modeDropdown_menu:AddItem(self.modes[i], 0, self.dialog.SELECT_MODE+i) self.dialog.modeDropdown_menu:SetChecked(self.dialog.SELECT_MODE+i, i==self.mode) end self.dialog.modeDropdown_popup:SetMenu(self.dialog.modeDropdown_menu) self.dialog.modeDropdown_popup:Redraw() -- * Update Page up/down buttons: self.dialog.pageUpButton:Enable(self.currentPage ~= 1) self.dialog.pageDownButton:Enable(self.currentPage ~= self.pageCount) -- * Delete moho object: helper:delete() end -- ************************************************** -- The guts of this script -- ************************************************** function LK_LayerFinder:Run(moho) if self.dialog == nil then self.dialog = LK_LayerFinderDialog:new(moho) -- * Crash fix by Rai Lopez https://www.lostmarble.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=214189#p214189 self.dlogBypass = LK_LayerFinderDialog:new(moho) self.dlogBypass = nil -- * End of fix self.dialog:DoModeless() end end
Layer Finder
Author: Lukas
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Sep 12 2023, 09:36
Last modified: Oct 10 2023, 06:16
Script Version: 0.2
Quickly find and select layers with keys and rig layers
This is basically an extra layers-panel to quickly find and select layers with keys and rig layers without needing to filter the original layer panel. You can use both at the same time.
Only works with Moho version 14.0 and up.
Please contact me in the discord channel or at the Lost Marble forums if you're encountering any bugs.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 895
Layer Finder
Author: Lukas
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Sep 12 2023, 09:36
Last modified: Oct 10 2023, 06:16
Script Version: 0.2
Quickly find and select layers with keys and rig layers
This is basically an extra layers-panel to quickly find and select layers with keys and rig layers without needing to filter the original layer panel. You can use both at the same time.
Only works with Moho version 14.0 and up.
Please contact me in the discord channel or at the Lost Marble forums if you're encountering any bugs.
Only works with Moho version 14.0 and up.
Please contact me in the discord channel or at the Lost Marble forums if you're encountering any bugs.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 895