-- ************************************************** -- Provide Moho with the name of this script object -- ************************************************** ScriptName = "LK_EmbedScript" -- ************************************************** -- General information about this script -- ************************************************** LK_EmbedScript = {} function LK_EmbedScript:ColorizeIcon() return true end function LK_EmbedScript:Name() return "Embed script" end function LK_EmbedScript:Version() return "0.1" end function LK_EmbedScript:Description() return "Embed, reload and remove layerscripts. Only works with scripts that are located in the <Embedded Scripts> folder (which should contain <LK_Dummy.lua> in order for reloading to work) inside the <Shared Resources> folder." end function LK_EmbedScript:Creator() return "Lukas Krepel Frame Order" end function LK_EmbedScript:UILabel() return "Embed layerscripts" end function LK_EmbedScript:OnMouseDown(moho, mouseEvent) end -- ************************************************** -- Is Relevant / Is Enabled -- ************************************************** function LK_EmbedScript:IsEnabled(moho) return true end function LK_EmbedScript:IsRelevant(moho) if MohoMode ~= nil then return MohoMode.rigging end return true end -- ************************************************** -- Tool options - create and respond to tool's UI -- ************************************************** LK_EmbedScript.CLEAR_EMBED = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 0 LK_EmbedScript.RELOAD_EMBED = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 1 LK_EmbedScript.FIND_EMBED = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 2 LK_EmbedScript.EDIT_SCRIPT = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 3 LK_EmbedScript.EXAMPLE_FILE = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 4 LK_EmbedScript.REVEAL_DIRECTORY = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 5 LK_EmbedScript.DO_NOTHING = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 6 LK_EmbedScript.OPTION = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 100 function LK_EmbedScript:DoLayout(moho, layout) FO_Utilities.tinyUI = false local userpath = string.gsub(moho:UserAppDir(), '\\', '/') self.layerscriptsfolder = userpath .. "/Shared Resources/Layerscripts/" -- * Text: layout:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText("Current layer's embeddedscript:")) layout:PushH(LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER, 0) -- * Filename field: self.currentEmbed = LM.GUI.TextControl(250, "No script embedded.", self.DO_NOTHING, LM.GUI.FIELD_TEXT, nil) layout:AddChild(self.currentEmbed) -- * Reload current script button: self.RELOAD_EMBED_Button = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/FO_icons/refresh", "Reload embedded layerscript", false, self.RELOAD_EMBED, true) layout:AddChild(self.RELOAD_EMBED_Button) -- * Clear embedded script button: self.CLEAR_EMBED_Button = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/FO_icons/trashcan", "Clear embedded layerscript", false, self.CLEAR_EMBED, true) layout:AddChild(self.CLEAR_EMBED_Button) -- * Sample file button: self.EXAMPLE_FILE_Button = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/FO_icons/questionmark", "Open example Moho file", false, self.EXAMPLE_FILE, true) layout:AddChild(self.EXAMPLE_FILE_Button) layout:Pop() -- * Divider: layout:AddChild(LM.GUI.Divider(true), LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL, 0) -- * Dropdown menu: self.menu = LM.GUI.Menu("Embed layerscript") self.popup = LM.GUI.PopupMenu(120, false) self.popup:SetMenu(self.menu) layout:AddChild(self.popup) self.layerscripts = FO_Utilities:ListFiles(self.layerscriptsfolder, moho) local i for i = 1, #self.layerscripts do local number = self.OPTION + i local layerscriptFilename = self.layerscripts[i] self.menu:AddItem(layerscriptFilename, 0, number) -- *** LM_Menu:AddItem(label, shortcut, msg) *** ? end self.menu:AddItem("______", 0, 0) -- * ? self.menu:AddItem("Reveal Directory", 0, self.REVEAL_DIRECTORY) -- * Divider: layout:AddChild(LM.GUI.Divider(true), LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL, 0) layout:PushH(LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER, 2) -- * Find al embedded scripts button: self.FindEmbedButton = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/FO_icons/txt_embed_find", "Find all embedded layerscripts in document", true, self.FIND_EMBED, true) layout:AddChild(self.FindEmbedButton) -- * Edit script button: self.EditScriptButton = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/FO_icons/edit_script", "Edit embedded layerscript in Sublime Text", false, self.EDIT_SCRIPT, true) layout:AddChild(self.EditScriptButton) layout:Pop() -- * Divider: layout:AddChild(LM.GUI.Divider(true), LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL, 0) -- * Doc overview: self.docOverviewText = LM.GUI.DynamicText("(Document contains X layers with an embedded script and X unique layerscripts.)", 500) layout:AddChild(self.docOverviewText) end -- ************************************************** -- Update Toolbar Widgets -- ************************************************** function LK_EmbedScript:UpdateWidgets(moho) local layer = moho.document:GetSelectedLayer(0) local embeddedscript = layer:LayerScript() embeddedscript = string.gsub(tostring(layer:LayerScript()), '\\', '/') if embeddedscript ~= "" then local lastslashpos = (embeddedscript:reverse()):find("%/") -- find last slash embeddedscript = (embeddedscript:sub(-lastslashpos+1)) -- filename only self.CLEAR_EMBED_Button:Enable(true) self.RELOAD_EMBED_Button:Enable(true) self.currentEmbed:Enable(true) self.EditScriptButton:Enable(true) -- * Example file button: local userpath = string.gsub(moho:UserAppDir(), '\\', '/') local examplefile = string.gsub(embeddedscript, "lua", "moho") local examplefilepath = userpath .. "/Library/Layerscript Examples/"..examplefile local examplefileExists = FO_Utilities:FileExists(moho, examplefilepath) self.EXAMPLE_FILE_Button:Enable(examplefileExists) if examplefileExists then self.EXAMPLE_FILE_Button:SetToolTip("Open example file: \""..examplefilepath.."\"") else self.EXAMPLE_FILE_Button:SetToolTip("Example file does not exist at: \""..examplefilepath.."\"") end else embeddedscript = "No script embedded." self.CLEAR_EMBED_Button:Enable(false) self.RELOAD_EMBED_Button:Enable(false) self.currentEmbed:Enable(false) self.EditScriptButton:Enable(false) self.EXAMPLE_FILE_Button:Enable(false) end self.currentEmbed:SetValue(embeddedscript) if (moho:LayersWindowGetSearchContext() == 8 and moho:LayersWindowGetSearchContextValue() == FO_Utilities.embedTag) then self.FindEmbedButton:SetValue(true) else self.FindEmbedButton:SetValue(false) end -- local layers = FO_Utilities:AllLayers(moho) local layerCount = 0 uniqueScripts = {} for i = 1, #layers do local layer = layers[i] local layerscript = tostring(layer:LayerScript()) if layerscript ~= "" then layerCount = layerCount + 1 if not table.contains(uniqueScripts, layerscript) then table.insert(uniqueScripts, layerscript) end end end if layerCount == 1 then layerCount = "1 layer" else layerCount = layerCount.." layers" end self.docOverviewText:SetValue("(Document contains "..layerCount.." with an embedded script and a total of "..#uniqueScripts.." unique layerscripts.)") -- * Checkmark: self.layerscripts = FO_Utilities:ListFiles(self.layerscriptsfolder, moho) local i for i = 1, #self.layerscripts do local file = self.layerscripts[i] local check = self.layerscripts[i] == embeddedscript self.menu:SetChecked(self.OPTION + i, check) end end -- ************************************************** -- Handle Messages -- ************************************************** function LK_EmbedScript:HandleMessage(moho, view, msg) local scriptpath -- * Check which message: if msg == self.CLEAR_EMBED then moho.document:PrepMultiUndo() moho.document:SetDirty() local selCount = moho.document:CountSelectedLayers() for i = 0, selCount - 1 do local layer = moho.document:GetSelectedLayer(i) layer:SetLayerScript(nil) layer:SetLabelColor(0) FO_Utilities:RemoveTag(FO_Utilities.embedTag, layer) end elseif msg == self.RELOAD_EMBED then local layer = moho.document:GetSelectedLayer(0) local reloadscript = tostring(layer:LayerScript()) local tempscript = (self.layerscriptsfolder .. "LK_Dummy.lua") local layers = FO_Utilities:AllLayers(moho) local i local count = 0 for i = 1, #layers do layer = layers[i] local embeddedscript = tostring(layer:LayerScript()) -- * Full path if embeddedscript == reloadscript then -- * First remove script of all layers by embedding a temporary layerscript: layer:SetLayerScript(tempscript) -- * Set chosen script: layer:SetLayerScript(reloadscript) -- * Counter: count = count + 1 end end if count == 1 then count = "1 layer" else count = count.." layers" end -- * Printing message instead of alerting trough a popup, for debug purposes: print "-----------" print (reloadscript .. " has been reloaded for "..count) print "-----------" elseif msg == self.FIND_EMBED then -- * Find layerscripts: local layers = FO_Utilities:AllLayers(moho) for i = 1, #layers do local layer = layers[i] if tostring(layer:LayerScript()) ~= "" then FO_Utilities:AddTag(FO_Utilities.embedTag, layer) else FO_Utilities:RemoveTag(FO_Utilities.embedTag, layer) end end FO_Utilities:FilterTag(FO_Utilities.embedTag, false, moho) elseif msg == self.EXAMPLE_FILE then local embeddedscript = moho.layer:LayerScript() embeddedscript = string.gsub(tostring(embeddedscript), '\\', '/') local lastslashpos = (embeddedscript:reverse()):find("%/") -- find last slash embeddedscript = (embeddedscript:sub(-lastslashpos+1)) -- filename only local userpath = string.gsub(moho:UserAppDir(), '\\', '/') local examplefile = string.gsub(embeddedscript, "lua", "moho") local examplefilepath = userpath .. "/Library/Layerscript Examples/"..examplefile if FO_Utilities:FileExists(moho, examplefilepath) then print ("-- **********************************************************************") print ("-- *** Lua function:") print ("-- *** \"moho:FileOpen("..examplefilepath..")\"") print ("-- *** crashes Moho and I don't know why. Please open file manually.") print ("-- **********************************************************************") -- moho:FileOpen(examplefilepath) -- * CRASHES!!! end elseif msg == self.REVEAL_DIRECTORY then FO_Utilities:RevealDirectory(self.layerscriptsfolder) elseif msg > self.OPTION then option = (msg - self.OPTION) script = (tostring(self.layerscripts[option])) moho.document:PrepMultiUndo() moho.document:SetDirty() scriptpath = (self.layerscriptsfolder .. script) local selCount = moho.document:CountSelectedLayers() for i = 0, selCount - 1 do local layer = moho.document:GetSelectedLayer(i) layer:SetLayerScript(scriptpath) FO_Utilities:AddTag(FO_Utilities.embedTag, layer) layer:SetLabelColor(7) end elseif msg == self.EDIT_SCRIPT then local layer = moho.document:GetSelectedLayer(0) local embeddedscript = layer:LayerScript() FO_Utilities:EditTextFile(embeddedscript, moho) end -- * Update UI: FO_Utilities:ReloadTools(moho) moho:UpdateUI() end
Embed Script
Author: Lukas
View Script
Script type: Tool
Uploaded: May 25 2023, 04:26
Last modified: Sep 05 2023, 12:54
Script Version: 0.1
Tool to embed/reload/remove/edit layerscripts
The tool that allows you to quickly embed, reload(!) and edit embedded layerscripts that are saved in the custom content folder. It will try to use Sublime Text as an editor for the lua files, but you could adjust that to any other editor.
You need a folder called "Layerscripts" in your "Shared Resources" folder in the Custom Content Folder. Put all your layerscripts there:
~/Custom Content Folder/Moho Pro/Shared Resources/Layerscripts/LK_Dummy.lua
The layerscripts folder should contain LK_Dummy.lua. It is necessary for reloading scripts.
Forum post
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 821
Embed Script
Author: Lukas
View Script
Script type: Tool
Uploaded: May 25 2023, 04:26
Last modified: Sep 05 2023, 12:54
Script Version: 0.1
Tool to embed/reload/remove/edit layerscripts
The tool that allows you to quickly embed, reload(!) and edit embedded layerscripts that are saved in the custom content folder. It will try to use Sublime Text as an editor for the lua files, but you could adjust that to any other editor.
You need a folder called "Layerscripts" in your "Shared Resources" folder in the Custom Content Folder. Put all your layerscripts there:
~/Custom Content Folder/Moho Pro/Shared Resources/Layerscripts/LK_Dummy.lua
The layerscripts folder should contain LK_Dummy.lua. It is necessary for reloading scripts.
Forum post
You need a folder called "Layerscripts" in your "Shared Resources" folder in the Custom Content Folder. Put all your layerscripts there:
~/Custom Content Folder/Moho Pro/Shared Resources/Layerscripts/LK_Dummy.lua
The layerscripts folder should contain LK_Dummy.lua. It is necessary for reloading scripts.
Forum post
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 821