
By: Lukas

Published: Jun 2 2022, 07:33

All Editions Downloads: 1352

Unique IP Downloads: 1352

Modded Curvature tool

Category: Points

Published: Jun 2 2022, 07:33

Last Edited: Sep 5 2023, 13:01

Created for Moho Version: 13.5.3

Returned Version: 2.5 based on 6.0

Edition Downloads: 1352


Shows bezier handles in a different shape and color than points, so it's easier to distinguish them. Option to lock curvature for situations where you only want to work with the bezier handles and not accidentally touch the points.

Also supports point color from the LK_SelectPoints tool.

v2.2 - Bugfix where handles and color points would sometimes be drawn at the wrong spot
v2.3 - The bezier handles and color points now also show up when using the standard Transform Points tool
v2.4 - HoldĀ  to constrain Handle direction
v2.5 - Fixed issue where you couldn't do anything when multiple points are selected with curvature locked

The script is supplied with the following files:

Icons and cursors:


Resource files:

Subfolder: FO_icons

This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.

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