-- ************************************************** -- Provide Moho with the name of this script object -- ************************************************** --v2 add eparate folder for save --2.1 add sound --v2.2 fix bug --v2.3 change name of script , add Auto save --v2.4 change name of script , add Auto save --v2.5 fix contain - in name ScriptName = "DV_Backup" -- ************************************************** -- General information about this script -- ************************************************** DV_Backup = {} function DV_Backup:Name() return "BackUp File" end function DV_Backup:Version() return "2.5" end function DV_Backup:Description() return ("Back Up File") end function DV_Backup:Creator() return "davood tabatabaei (davoodice)" end function DV_Backup:UILabel() return("DV Backup ".. self:Version()) end function DV_Backup:IsEnabled(moho) return true end function DV_Backup:Run(moho) local path = moho.document:Path() ::goin:: if (path == "") then local alert = LM.GUI.Alert(LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING, MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/tool/SaveIncrement/FirstSave=Please save your file"), nil, nil, MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/OK=OK"), MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/CANCEL=CANCEL"), nil) if alert == 1 then do return end end moho.FileSave() local path = moho.document:Path() else local OS1 = package.config:sub(1,1) if OS1 ~= "/" then OS1 = "\\" end local name = moho.document:Name() local file = io.open(path, "rb") if(file==nil or file=="") then path = "" goto goin end local source_content = file:read("*all") file:close() local version_number = 1 local file_name_part = string.gsub(name,".moho", "") local i = string.match(path,".*()\\") --last \ local dir_part = string.sub(path,1, i) -- print(dir_part) local backup_folder = dir_part..file_name_part.. [[ Backups]] ..OS1 file = io.open(backup_folder .."\\".. "temp", "wb") if(not file) then os.execute( "mkdir ".. '"' .. backup_folder .. '"' ) else file:close() end local path = backup_folder moho:BeginFileListing(path) local fileName = moho:GetNextFile() while fileName ~= nil do sepPos = string.find(fileName, ".", 1, true) if (sepPos ~= nil) then local extn = string.sub(fileName, sepPos + 1) if (extn == "moho") then local corr = string.find(fileName, "_%d+.moho") if (corr ~= nil) then local current = tonumber(string.match(string.match(fileName, "_%d+.moho"), "%d+")) if( current >= version_number) then version_number = current+1 end end end end fileName = moho:GetNextFile() end local new = file_name_part .. '_'..version_number..'.moho' file = io.open(path..new, "wb") file:write(source_content) file:close() moho:Click() moho:FileSave() end end
DV AutoSave (With Incremental Backup)
Author: davoodice
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Mar 19 2022, 10:08
Script Version: 2.5
automatically save project and make a backup from previous save.
automatically save project and make a backup from previous save.
you can adjust time intervals and permit before backup in option of script. also you can backup with increment manually with click on toolbar buttonĀ
it creates a folder next to your moho file.
its better if Your images not be in the same folder as the moho file.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 864
DV AutoSave (With Incremental Backup)
Author: davoodice
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Mar 19 2022, 10:08
Script Version: 2.5
automatically save project and make a backup from previous save.
automatically save project and make a backup from previous save.
you can adjust time intervals and permit before backup in option of script. also you can backup with increment manually with click on toolbar buttonĀ
it creates a folder next to your moho file.
its better if Your images not be in the same folder as the moho file.
you can adjust time intervals and permit before backup in option of script. also you can backup with increment manually with click on toolbar buttonĀ
it creates a folder next to your moho file.
its better if Your images not be in the same folder as the moho file.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 864