
Search results for 'Mesh'

SS - Points Unbound
by simplsam Listed Nov 28 2024, 19:34
Select UnBinded / Unbound Vector Points
Downloads: 63
Select Shapes by Colour
by hayasidist Listed Nov 19 2024, 06:03
This script selects shapes that match the current active style
Downloads: 86
HSV colour picker
by hayasidist Listed Oct 01 2024, 09:25
This script allows the currently active fill and stroke colours to be set using HSVA numbers
Downloads: 189
Paint Bucket +
by Danfield Listed Mar 16 2024, 19:30
Modified Paint Bucket + Eyedropper
Downloads: 635
Merge vector layers
by Danfield Listed Jan 30 2024, 13:09
Merges selected vector layers
Downloads: 754
SS - Add Warp Layer
by simplsam Listed Dec 18 2023, 03:54
Add & Assign an empty Mesh Warp Layer
Downloads: 592
WP Import from Spine JSON
by wigglepixel Listed Oct 16 2023, 08:04
Import Assets from Spine JSON (To import from Affinity, Krita, Spine, Photoshop, AfterEffects, Gimp etc.)
Downloads: 709
SS - Clear Copy FBF Layer
by simplsam Listed Sep 21 2023, 00:39
Creates a cleared copy of the current FBF Layer. FBF Frames/Cels are maintained.
Downloads: 639
MR Pose Tool
by eugenebabich Listed Aug 14 2023, 06:38
Plan and polish your animation with ease!
Downloads: 4499
MR Path
by eugenebabich Listed Jun 25 2023, 07:52
Draw bone and point trajectories over all layers for spacing analysis.
Downloads: 1993
Cut Points to new Layer
by Lukas Listed Jun 19 2023, 04:15
Cuts selected points to new Layer
Downloads: 1019
SS - Multi Layer Transform Points
by simplsam Listed Jun 04 2023, 05:42
Quickly Select & Transform multiple points across multiple selected layer groups (ver +1.04)
Downloads: 1086
Nudge Keys
by Lukas Listed May 22 2023, 08:59
Nudge Keys Toolset
Downloads: 1126
MR Tween Machine
by eugenebabich Listed Mar 19 2023, 17:02
This script is very helpful in controlling the rhythm of the animation. Create overshoots and just adjust the spacing.
Downloads: 2990
MR Key Motion
by eugenebabich Listed Feb 25 2023, 19:21
This script helps you to smooth your animation in a fast and convenient way.
Downloads: 2064
HS Shape
by hayasidist Listed Dec 10 2022, 06:57
Draws various shapes
Downloads: 1299
Create Limb 2
by Danfield Listed Nov 08 2022, 08:08
Like Create Limb, but better!
Downloads: 2459
SS - SVG Import
by simplsam Listed Oct 26 2022, 17:08
Improved SVG vector import -- Layer Grouping, Masking, Colors, Adobe Illustrator & Affinity Designer friendly !! (ver 1.12 for Moho 12.5 & 13.5 only)
Downloads: 3786
by hayasidist Listed Oct 23 2022, 14:54
Draws a path similarly to drawing with a spirograph.
Downloads: 732
SS - Reference Layer Update+
by simplsam Listed Sep 15 2022, 10:00
Update Reference Layers + Point Bindings. Accessible via button/keyboard shortcut, and remembers settings (ver 1.10)
Downloads: 739
Seamless rotation maker by A.Evseeva Listed Aug 26 2022, 07:35
Create bone system to seamlessly rotate bone 360+ with correct use of smartbone actions associated with it.
Downloads: 1163
Deselect All by A.Evseeva Listed Aug 23 2022, 03:33
Deselect any keys, vertices and bones in every layer.
Downloads: 735
Set Dynamic Skeleton
by Danfield Listed Aug 11 2022, 11:01
Makes points position in frame 0 for current skeleton pose
Downloads: 867
by A.Evseeva Listed Jun 26 2022, 14:08
Apply marked frames of actions to main timeline with buttons
Downloads: 1604
MR Curve Tool
by eugenebabich Listed Jun 19 2022, 08:59
This tool allows you to create points in Moho by just clicking the left mouse button instead of dragging and holding.
Downloads: 3495
Hide/Show Shy Points
by Lukas Listed Jun 02 2022, 14:01
Button that toggles visibility of Shy Points set with LK_SelectPoints
Downloads: 1308
Select Points
by Lukas Listed Jun 02 2022, 08:05
Select Points mod with Color-points, Shy-points and more
Downloads: 1664
by Lukas Listed Jun 02 2022, 07:33
Modded Curvature tool
Downloads: 1260
MR Transform Rig Tool
by eugenebabich Listed May 30 2022, 06:38
This tool allows you to transform parts of the rig without breaking its actions.
Downloads: 2974
Switch hands organizer
by A.Evseeva Listed Apr 21 2022, 15:46
Graphic UI showing 4D table for sorting hand variants used in switch layer
Downloads: 1641
FO_Utilities by Lukas Listed Apr 19 2022, 07:03
Utility file needed for scripts by Lukas Krepel, Frame Order
Downloads: 4351
Wave Inbetweener by A.Evseeva Listed Apr 19 2022, 00:03
Calculates frames between two keys of bone chain wavely motion
Downloads: 799
Bone Magnet
by A.Evseeva Listed Apr 17 2022, 14:24
Just like point magnet, but for bones.
Downloads: 1492
Create Limb
by Danfield Listed Jan 24 2022, 11:14
Simple tool for rigging arms/legs
Downloads: 2246
Bone Constraints Helper
by Danfield Listed Jan 20 2022, 11:07
Handy tool for working with bone constraints
Downloads: 1306
SZ Bake Points
by Stan Listed Jan 06 2022, 20:43
Bakes all points in the selected layer(s) in the current frame.
Downloads: 786
MR Continue Animation
by eugenebabich Listed Dec 27 2021, 06:56
Script allows you to extend the existing animation to the current frame based on two neighboring keyframes.
Downloads: 1877
MR Overlay
by eugenebabich Listed Dec 06 2021, 02:59
Script allows you to create an “overlay” - a new layer that can be used as a visual reference.
Downloads: 2147
SS - Virtual Bones
by simplsam Listed Nov 02 2021, 01:05
Create, Display and Render custom vector bones a.k.a Virtual Bones (ver 1.1)
Downloads: 1054
Allows the Anchor Point on an exposure curve to be set to any Point of the curve
Downloads: 1023
MR Guides
by eugenebabich Listed Oct 17 2021, 15:05
Create and edit guides without leaving the current layer and action.
Downloads: 2933
Reset layer origin by A.Evseeva Listed Sep 14 2021, 01:01
Sets layer origin to [0,0] without changing of visual layer position (transforming its vertices instead)
Downloads: 1220
Bind points modification by A.Evseeva Listed Apr 30 2021, 07:44
Bind points to bone at non-zero frame, saving their current position
Downloads: 1142
Modified transform bone tool by A.Evseeva Listed Apr 30 2021, 06:19
Labels, paths, custom step and so on
Downloads: 2030
Recolor by A.Evseeva Listed Apr 24 2021, 13:03
Change shape color over all child layers, actions and animation
Downloads: 1758
AE Action tools
by A.Evseeva Listed Apr 12 2021, 06:11
Control which actions use selected bones or points and remove unwanted uses
Downloads: 987
AE Meshinstance
by A.Evseeva Listed Feb 13 2021, 07:09
Link mesh layers with ability to turn the link on and off
Downloads: 1524
AE Transform points and curvature
by A.Evseeva Listed Feb 12 2021, 21:53
Tweak for built-in transform points and curvature to fix errors on smartbones driven points and bezier handles
Downloads: 1832
Reassign Styles by strider2000 Listed Jan 22 2021, 21:45
This script allows you to reassign styles within your character.
Downloads: 1061
Merge skeletons by A.Evseeva Listed Jan 21 2021, 11:37
Merge bones from a nested skeleton layer into parent layer skeleton
Downloads: 1693
Reset layer transform by A.Evseeva Listed Jan 18 2021, 01:15
Resets transform moving it to direct child layers
Downloads: 1538
Lua Console
by A.Evseeva Listed Jan 10 2021, 04:34
Console line in tool settings panel to enter lua commands
Downloads: 840
Mark Points
by Stan Listed Jan 03 2021, 12:38
Marks the locations of all points in the current vector layer.
Downloads: 1280
Layer Inspector
by Stan Listed Dec 27 2020, 10:28
Shows the selected layer's info. Useful for those who writes scripts for Moho.
Downloads: 823
Point Inspector
by Stan Listed Dec 27 2020, 10:27
Shows the selected point's info. Useful for those who writes scripts for Moho.
Downloads: 842
Recolor Shape
by Stan Listed Dec 26 2020, 23:50
Quickly change shape's color, creating a keyframe.
Downloads: 899
Adjust Line Width
by Stan Listed Dec 26 2020, 23:40
Adjust the line width by adding/subtracting or by multiplying/dividing.
Downloads: 1179
Hide Points
by Stan Listed Dec 26 2020, 23:01
Click the button and all points except the selected ones will be hidden. Click it again and all points are revealed.
Downloads: 972
Recolor Layer by Stan Listed Dec 23 2020, 19:38
Change all strokes/fills colors, add round corners, or create noisy line width
Downloads: 1105
Add Keyframe
by Stan Listed Sep 21 2020, 22:24
An alternative to the built-in Crl+F command.
Downloads: 1076
Tweak for Select Shape
by A.Evseeva Listed Sep 21 2020, 11:14
Select shape by name, turn shape on and off, trace outlines, fixed up/down moving of several shapes at a time
Downloads: 1085
Tweak for Curve Exposure
by A.Evseeva Listed Sep 19 2020, 23:04
Pick the end or start of curve exposure by mouse click
Downloads: 936
AE Trangulate Shapes by A.Evseeva Listed Sep 15 2020, 10:34
Alternative to built-in Triangulate 2D Mesh, not deleting existing edges
Downloads: 857
Multilayer magnet
by A.Evseeva Listed Sep 15 2020, 08:55
Magnet working with all the selected layers.
Downloads: 1240
Move selected to coord
by Stan Listed Jul 13 2020, 00:37
Move selected points/bones into a single coordinate
Downloads: 1701