-- ------------------------------- -- Intro -- ------------------------------- ScriptName = "SS_Sequencer" -- SS_Sequencer - Display/Update the timing Offset of a Layer Sequence in Moho -- version: MH12/13 001.0 #5101 - by Sam Cogheil (SimplSam) --[[ ***** Licence & Warranty ***** This work is licensed under a GNU General Public License v3.0 license Please see: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html You can: Usage - Use/Reuse Freely Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt / Share under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the GPL-3.0 license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as this original. Warranty: Your use of this software material is at your own risk. By accepting to use this material you acknowledge that Sam Cogheil / SimplSam ("The Developer") make no warranties whatsoever - expressed or implied for the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the software provided. The Developer will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss of actual or anticipated - data, revenue, profits, business, trade or goodwill that is suffered as a result of the use of the software provided. --]] --[[ ***** SPECIAL THANKS to: * Stan (and team) @ MOHO Scripting -- http://mohoscripting.com * The friendly faces @ Lost Marble Moho forum -- http://www.lostmarble.com/forum ***** ]] -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Script config -- ---------------------------------------------------- SS_Sequencer = {} function SS_Sequencer:Name() return 'SS Sequencer' end function SS_Sequencer:Version() return '1.00 #5101' end function SS_Sequencer:UILabel() return 'View/Change Layer Sequence offset' end function SS_Sequencer:Creator() return 'Sam Cogheil (SimplSam)' end function SS_Sequencer:Description() return 'Display/Update the timing Offset of a Layer Sequence' end function SS_Sequencer:IsEnabled(moho) return (moho.document:CurrentDocAction() == "") -- Disable if in Action end -- ------------------------------- -- Dialog & Globs -- ------------------------------- local FRAMES_MAX = 99999 -- Max number of Frames we can shift (in dialog) local SS_Sequencer_Dialog = {} SS_Sequencer_Dialog.UPDATE = MOHO.MSG_BASE SS_Sequencer_Dialog.UPDATE_OFFSETREL = MOHO.MSG_BASE+1 SS_Sequencer_Dialog.UPDATE_STARTABS = MOHO.MSG_BASE+2 SS_Sequencer_Dialog.UPDATE_PREV = MOHO.MSG_BASE+3 SS_Sequencer_Dialog.UPDATE_NEXT = MOHO.MSG_BASE+4 SS_Sequencer_Dialog.UPDATE_RESET = MOHO.MSG_BASE+5 SS_Sequencer.docStartFrame = 1 SS_Sequencer.parentOffsetRel = 0 SS_Sequencer.frameOffsetRel = 0 SS_Sequencer.frameOffsetOld = 0 SS_Sequencer.frameStartAbs = 1 function SS_Sequencer_Dialog:new(moho) local d = LM.GUI.SimpleDialog("Sequence Offset - layer [ " .. moho.layer:Name() .. " ]", SS_Sequencer_Dialog) local l = d:GetLayout() d.moho = moho l:PushH() l:PushV() l:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText('Start Frame'), LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.Divider(false), LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText(SS_Sequencer.docStartFrame), LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER) l:Pop() l:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText('+'), LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER) l:PushV() l:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText('Parent Offset'), LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.Divider(false), LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText(SS_Sequencer.parentOffsetRel), LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER) l:Pop() l:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText('+'), LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.Divider(true), LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL) l:PushV() l:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText('Layer Offset'), LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.Divider(false), LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL) l:PushH() l:AddChild(LM.GUI.Button('<', SS_Sequencer_Dialog.UPDATE_PREV), LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER) d.frameOffsetRel = LM.GUI.TextControl(48, '000', self.UPDATE_OFFSETREL, LM.GUI.FIELD_INT) l:AddChild(d.frameOffsetRel, LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.Button('>', SS_Sequencer_Dialog.UPDATE_NEXT), LM.GUI.ALIGN_BOTTOM) l:Pop() l:Pop() l:AddChild(LM.GUI.Divider(true), LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText('='), LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER) l:PushV() l:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText('Layer Start Frame'), LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.Divider(false), LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL) d.frameStartAbs = LM.GUI.TextControl(48, '000', self.UPDATE_STARTABS, LM.GUI.FIELD_INT) l:AddChild(d.frameStartAbs, LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER) l:Pop() l:Pop() --H l:AddChild(LM.GUI.Divider(false), LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL) l:PushH(LM_ALIGN_RIGHT, 20) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText('* [OK] to Confirm. [Cancel] to UNDO changes! [Reset] to zero Offset'), LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.Divider(true), LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL) l:AddChild(LM.GUI.Button('Reset', SS_Sequencer_Dialog.UPDATE_RESET), LM.GUI.ALIGN_RIGHT) l:Pop() return d end function SS_Sequencer_Dialog:UpdateWidgets() self.frameOffsetRel:SetValue(SS_Sequencer.frameOffsetRel) self.frameStartAbs:SetValue(SS_Sequencer.frameStartAbs) end function SS_Sequencer_Dialog:HandleMessage(what) local function setFrameOffsetRel(iOffset) self.frameOffsetRel:SetValue(iOffset) self:Validate(self.frameOffsetRel, -FRAMES_MAX, FRAMES_MAX) self.frameStartAbs:SetValue(SS_Sequencer.docStartFrame + SS_Sequencer.parentOffsetRel + self.frameOffsetRel:IntValue()) -- Dynamic timeline update self.moho.layer:SetTimingOffset(self.frameOffsetRel:IntValue() * -1) self.moho:UpdateUI() MOHO.Redraw() end if (what == self.UPDATE) then -- NOP - do nowt -- Relative Frame Offset updated? elseif (what == self.UPDATE_OFFSETREL) then setFrameOffsetRel(self.frameOffsetRel:IntValue()) -- Absolute Start Frame updated? elseif (what == self.UPDATE_STARTABS) then self:Validate(self.frameStartAbs, -FRAMES_MAX, FRAMES_MAX) setFrameOffsetRel(self.frameStartAbs:IntValue() - SS_Sequencer.docStartFrame - SS_Sequencer.parentOffsetRel) -- Button Prev (Left/Down) clicked? elseif (what == self.UPDATE_PREV) then setFrameOffsetRel(self.frameOffsetRel:IntValue() - 1) -- Button Next (Right/Up) clicked? elseif (what == self.UPDATE_NEXT) then setFrameOffsetRel(self.frameOffsetRel:IntValue() + 1) -- Button Reset clicked? elseif (what == self.UPDATE_RESET) then setFrameOffsetRel(0) end end function SS_Sequencer_Dialog:OnValidate() if (not self:Validate(self.frameOffsetRel, -FRAMES_MAX, FRAMES_MAX)) then return false end if (not self:Validate(self.frameStartAbs, -FRAMES_MAX, FRAMES_MAX)) then return false end return true end function SS_Sequencer_Dialog:OnOK() -- NOP - Nothing doing here ... end -- ------------------------------- -- Main -- ------------------------------- function SS_Sequencer:Run(moho) local layer = moho.layer local layerTimingOffset = layer:TimingOffset() local layerTotalTimingOffset = layer:TotalTimingOffset() SS_Sequencer.docStartFrame = moho.document:StartFrame() SS_Sequencer.parentOffsetRel = (layerTotalTimingOffset - layerTimingOffset) * -1 if SS_Sequencer.parentOffsetRel == -0 then SS_Sequencer.parentOffsetRel = 0 end SS_Sequencer.frameOffsetRel = layerTimingOffset * -1 SS_Sequencer.frameOffsetOld = layerTimingOffset SS_Sequencer.frameStartAbs = (layerTotalTimingOffset * -1) + SS_Sequencer.docStartFrame local dlog = SS_Sequencer_Dialog:new(moho) if (dlog:DoModal() ~= LM.GUI.MSG_OK) then -- Cancelled so UNDO any changes. UI will update itself layer:SetTimingOffset(SS_Sequencer.frameOffsetOld) return false end end
SS - Layer Sequencer
Author: simplsam
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Jan 27 2021, 20:04
Script Version: 1.00 #5101
View & Adjust a layers' sequence offset position in the timeline
The tool allows you to view and adjust the selected layers start frame / offset in the timeline, resulting in either a delay or advancement of the layers' timing - relative to the playhead frame position of the rest of the animation.
Any changes made are dynamic and in real-time, so you will be able to see the effect of those changes in the timeline & viewport. Use the Cancel button to UNDO any changes. OK will confirm them. Reset to zero the layers' offset.
You can either set the relative Layer Offset -or- absolute Layer Start Frame, and the other value will be adjusted accordingly. The relative offset is calculated relative to the Document start frame, plus any additional offset already present in the layers' parent group/s.
- Show current Offset
- Allow numerical entries
- Use Relative or Absolute frame referencing
- Dynamic real-time updates - allowing you to see the effects of changes in the timeline and viewport
- Nudge Left / Right click-buttons
- Increase/decrease values & position with mouse scroll wheel
- Indicates offset inherited from Parent groups
- Reset to zero offset
- Cancel to undo changes
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 919
SS - Layer Sequencer
Author: simplsam
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Jan 27 2021, 20:04
Script Version: 1.00 #5101
View & Adjust a layers' sequence offset position in the timeline
The tool allows you to view and adjust the selected layers start frame / offset in the timeline, resulting in either a delay or advancement of the layers' timing - relative to the playhead frame position of the rest of the animation.
Any changes made are dynamic and in real-time, so you will be able to see the effect of those changes in the timeline & viewport. Use the Cancel button to UNDO any changes. OK will confirm them. Reset to zero the layers' offset.
You can either set the relative Layer Offset -or- absolute Layer Start Frame, and the other value will be adjusted accordingly. The relative offset is calculated relative to the Document start frame, plus any additional offset already present in the layers' parent group/s.
- Show current Offset
- Allow numerical entries
- Use Relative or Absolute frame referencing
- Dynamic real-time updates - allowing you to see the effects of changes in the timeline and viewport
- Nudge Left / Right click-buttons
- Increase/decrease values & position with mouse scroll wheel
- Indicates offset inherited from Parent groups
- Reset to zero offset
- Cancel to undo changes
Any changes made are dynamic and in real-time, so you will be able to see the effect of those changes in the timeline & viewport. Use the Cancel button to UNDO any changes. OK will confirm them. Reset to zero the layers' offset.
You can either set the relative Layer Offset -or- absolute Layer Start Frame, and the other value will be adjusted accordingly. The relative offset is calculated relative to the Document start frame, plus any additional offset already present in the layers' parent group/s.
- Show current Offset
- Allow numerical entries
- Use Relative or Absolute frame referencing
- Dynamic real-time updates - allowing you to see the effects of changes in the timeline and viewport
- Nudge Left / Right click-buttons
- Increase/decrease values & position with mouse scroll wheel
- Indicates offset inherited from Parent groups
- Reset to zero offset
- Cancel to undo changes
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 919