-- ************************************************** -- Provide Moho with the name of this script object -- ************************************************** ScriptName= "SS_CycleKeys" -- ************************************************** -- Create interpolation cycle using selected keyframe/s -- version: 01.00 MH12+ #520924 -- by Sam Cogheil (SimplSam) -- ************************************************** --[[ ***** Licence & Warranty ***** __NONE__ -- Use and Abuse freely Attribution appreciated ]] --[[ ***** SPECIAL THANKS to: * Stan (and team) @ MOHO Scripting -- https://mohoscripting.com * The friendly faces @ Lost Marble / Moho Forum -- https://www.lostmarble.com/forum ]] -- ************************************************** -- General information about this script -- ************************************************** SS_CycleKeys= {} function SS_CycleKeys:Name() return "Cycle Keyframes" end function SS_CycleKeys:Version() return "1.00 #5209" end function SS_CycleKeys:Description() return "Cycle Keyframes" end function SS_CycleKeys:Creator() return "Sam Cogheil (SimplSam)" end function SS_CycleKeys:UILabel() return "Cycle Keyframes" end function SS_CycleKeys:IsEnabled(moho) return true end function SS_CycleKeys:IsRelevant(moho) return true end function SS_CycleKeys:ColorizeIcon() return true end SS_CycleKeys.isDebug = false -- true | false -- ************************************************** -- The guts of this script -- ************************************************** function SS_CycleKeys:Run(moho) local mohodoc= moho.document local thisFrame= moho.drawingLayerFrame local interp= MOHO.InterpSetting:new_local() local timelineLayers= {} local cycleTo, cycleFrom --= Gather Timeline visible layers function GetTimelineLayers(_layer) if (_layer:IsGroupType()) then local _groupLayer= moho:LayerAsGroup(_layer) if (_layer:SecondarySelection() or _layer:IsShownOnTimeline()) then table.insert(timelineLayers, _layer) end for iLL= 0, _groupLayer:CountLayers() -1 do -- Local Layers GetTimelineLayers(_groupLayer:Layer(iLL)) end else if (_layer:SecondarySelection() or _layer:IsShownOnTimeline()) then table.insert(timelineLayers, _layer) end end end local chanInfo= MOHO.MohoLayerChannel:new_local() local channels= {} local chanCount, allSelectedCount = 0, 0 for iGL= 0, mohodoc:CountLayers() -1 do -- GlobalLayers GetTimelineLayers(mohodoc:Layer(iGL)) end for _, layer in ipairs(timelineLayers) do for i= 0, layer:CountChannels() -1 do layer:GetChannelInfo(i, chanInfo) if (chanInfo.subChannelCount > 0) and (chanInfo.channelID ~= CHANNEL_LAYER_ALL) and (not chanInfo.selectionBased) then for j= 0, chanInfo.subChannelCount -1 do local subchan= layer:Channel(i, j, mohodoc) local animChannel, animDimension, canSplitDims local numDims= 1 -- chanInfo.separableDimensions ? if subchan:ChannelType() == MOHO.CHANNEL_VAL then animChannel= moho:ChannelAsAnimVal(subchan) elseif subchan:ChannelType() == MOHO.CHANNEL_VEC2 then animChannel= moho:ChannelAsAnimVec2(subchan) canSplitDims= true numDims= 2 elseif subchan:ChannelType() == MOHO.CHANNEL_VEC3 then animChannel= moho:ChannelAsAnimVec3(subchan) canSplitDims= true numDims= 3 elseif subchan:ChannelType() == MOHO.CHANNEL_BOOL then animChannel= moho:ChannelAsAnimBool(subchan) elseif subchan:ChannelType() == MOHO.CHANNEL_COLOR then animChannel= moho:ChannelAsAnimColor(subchan) elseif subchan:ChannelType() == MOHO.CHANNEL_STRING then animChannel= moho:ChannelAsAnimString(subchan) end local whenFirst, whenLast = -1, -1 local selectedCount= 0 if animChannel then if (canSplitDims and animChannel:AreDimensionsSplit()) then for dim= 0, numDims -1 do animDimension= animChannel:DimensionChannel(dim) selectedCount= 0 whenFirst, whenLast = -1, -1 for iKey= 0, animDimension:CountKeys() -1 do if animDimension:IsKeySelectedByID(iKey) then if (whenFirst == -1) then whenFirst= animDimension:GetKeyWhen(iKey) else whenLast= animDimension:GetKeyWhen(iKey) end selectedCount = selectedCount +1 end end if (selectedCount > 0) then chanCount = chanCount +1 table.insert(channels, {layer= layer, channel= animDimension, chanIdx= i, whenFirst= whenFirst, whenLast= whenLast, selectedCount= selectedCount}) allSelectedCount= allSelectedCount + selectedCount end end elseif (animChannel:CountKeys() > 1) then for iKey= 0, animChannel:CountKeys() -1 do if animChannel:IsKeySelectedByID(iKey) then if (whenFirst == -1) then whenFirst= animChannel:GetKeyWhen(iKey) else whenLast= animChannel:GetKeyWhen(iKey) end selectedCount = selectedCount +1 end end if (selectedCount > 0) then chanCount = chanCount +1 table.insert(channels, {layer= layer, channel= animChannel, chanIdx= i, whenFirst= whenFirst, whenLast= whenLast, selectedCount= selectedCount}) allSelectedCount = allSelectedCount + selectedCount end end end end end end end if (self.isDebug) then print(("\ndBug:: CycleKeys #Selected: %s / Chans: %s"):format(allSelectedCount, chanCount)) end if (chanCount > 0) then mohodoc:PrepUndo() mohodoc:SetDirty() end for _, keyset in ipairs(channels) do local kfTags local animChannel= keyset.channel if (keyset.whenLast ~= -1) then -- 2+ kfs cycleTo= keyset.whenFirst cycleFrom= keyset.whenLast else -- 1 kf cycleFrom= keyset.whenFirst if (thisFrame > cycleFrom +1) then cycleTo= cycleFrom cycleFrom= thisFrame elseif (thisFrame < cycleFrom) then cycleTo= thisFrame -1 else break -- skip (kfs too close) end end if (cycleTo < cycleFrom -1) then local layer= keyset.layer layer:GetChannelInfo(keyset.chanIdx, chanInfo) if (self.isDebug) then print(("dBug:: Chan [%s/%d] - Cycle from: %d to: %d #%s"):format(chanInfo.name:Buffer(), chanInfo.channelID, cycleFrom, cycleTo, animChannel:ChannelType())) end --= add To key - if missing at or before To if (not animChannel:HasKey(cycleTo)) and (not animChannel:HasKey(cycleTo +1)) then animChannel:AddKey(cycleTo) end --= add From key (copy To key) - if missing if (not animChannel:HasKey(cycleFrom)) then animChannel:AddKey(cycleFrom) animChannel:SetValue(cycleFrom, animChannel:GetValue(cycleTo)) layer:UpdateCurFrame() animChannel:GetKeyInterp(cycleTo, interp) kfTags = interp.tags end animChannel:GetKeyInterp(cycleFrom, interp) interp.interpMode= MOHO.INTERP_CYCLE interp.val1= cycleFrom -cycleTo -1 --rel interp.val2= -1 --abs interp.tags = kfTags and kfTags or interp.tags animChannel:SetKeyInterp(cycleFrom, interp) end end moho:UpdateUI() end
SS - Cycle Keys
Author: simplsam
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Oct 01 2022, 00:33
Script Version: 1.00 #5209
Quickly create cycled keyframes in the timeline - using existing keyframes and optionally the current frame position
A convenience tool which allows you to quickly create cycled keyframes in the timeline. It is similar to the existing ‘change interpolation to Cycle’ function, but allows for quicker creation when cycling between 2 existing keyframes - or cycling to/from a single keyframe.
The tool is run from a simple click of the tool button and has 3 modes of operation as follows:
1. Cycle Around
Creates a cycle between 2 selected keyframes - when 2 or more keyframes have been selected on a single timeline channel. If more than 2 keyframes are selected - the first and last selected keyframes will be used to create the cycle.
2. Cycle To
Creates a cycle between the current frame position and a single selected keyframe - when the current frame position is greater than the keyframe position. A new keyframe will be created at the current frame position with the same value of the selected keyframe - unless a keyframe already exists at the current frame position.
3. Cycle From
Creates a cycle between a single selected keyframe and the current frame position - when the current frame position is less than the keyframe position. A new keyframe will be created to the left (-1) of the current frame position - unless one already exists there (-1) or at the current frame position.
Video Demo
So … Why do you need the Cycle Keys tool?
Speed and convenience. The addon can enhance your cycle creation workflow. Particularly handy when creating cycles that don’t begin at the start of the timeline.
- Works across all visible timeline keyframes, and multiple channel cycles can be created in a single click
- When multiple channel keyframes are selected - each channel is processed individually (i.e. Cycle Around/To/From)
- Will overwrite existing cycle-from (origin) keyframe cycle-back distance setting
- Preserves cycle-to (destination) keyframes/values
- Cycles are created Relative
To use:
- Select one or more keyframes, (optionally adjust current frame), and Run the tool from the Tools palette
Additional Notes:
- version: 01.00 #520930 MH12+
- release: 1.00
- Compatible with MH12+
Special Thanks to:
- Stan (and the team): MOHO Scripting – https://mohoscripting.com
- The friendly faces @ Lost Marble Moho forum – https://www.lostmarble.com/forum/
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 1199
SS - Cycle Keys
Author: simplsam
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Oct 01 2022, 00:33
Script Version: 1.00 #5209
Quickly create cycled keyframes in the timeline - using existing keyframes and optionally the current frame position
A convenience tool which allows you to quickly create cycled keyframes in the timeline. It is similar to the existing ‘change interpolation to Cycle’ function, but allows for quicker creation when cycling between 2 existing keyframes - or cycling to/from a single keyframe.
The tool is run from a simple click of the tool button and has 3 modes of operation as follows:
1. Cycle Around
Creates a cycle between 2 selected keyframes - when 2 or more keyframes have been selected on a single timeline channel. If more than 2 keyframes are selected - the first and last selected keyframes will be used to create the cycle.
2. Cycle To
Creates a cycle between the current frame position and a single selected keyframe - when the current frame position is greater than the keyframe position. A new keyframe will be created at the current frame position with the same value of the selected keyframe - unless a keyframe already exists at the current frame position.
3. Cycle From
Creates a cycle between a single selected keyframe and the current frame position - when the current frame position is less than the keyframe position. A new keyframe will be created to the left (-1) of the current frame position - unless one already exists there (-1) or at the current frame position.
Video Demo
So … Why do you need the Cycle Keys tool?
Speed and convenience. The addon can enhance your cycle creation workflow. Particularly handy when creating cycles that don’t begin at the start of the timeline.
- Works across all visible timeline keyframes, and multiple channel cycles can be created in a single click
- When multiple channel keyframes are selected - each channel is processed individually (i.e. Cycle Around/To/From)
- Will overwrite existing cycle-from (origin) keyframe cycle-back distance setting
- Preserves cycle-to (destination) keyframes/values
- Cycles are created Relative
To use:
- Select one or more keyframes, (optionally adjust current frame), and Run the tool from the Tools palette
Additional Notes:
- version: 01.00 #520930 MH12+
- release: 1.00
- Compatible with MH12+
Special Thanks to:
- Stan (and the team): MOHO Scripting – https://mohoscripting.com
- The friendly faces @ Lost Marble Moho forum – https://www.lostmarble.com/forum/
The tool is run from a simple click of the tool button and has 3 modes of operation as follows:
1. Cycle Around
Creates a cycle between 2 selected keyframes - when 2 or more keyframes have been selected on a single timeline channel. If more than 2 keyframes are selected - the first and last selected keyframes will be used to create the cycle.
2. Cycle To
Creates a cycle between the current frame position and a single selected keyframe - when the current frame position is greater than the keyframe position. A new keyframe will be created at the current frame position with the same value of the selected keyframe - unless a keyframe already exists at the current frame position.
3. Cycle From
Creates a cycle between a single selected keyframe and the current frame position - when the current frame position is less than the keyframe position. A new keyframe will be created to the left (-1) of the current frame position - unless one already exists there (-1) or at the current frame position.
Video Demo
So … Why do you need the Cycle Keys tool?
Speed and convenience. The addon can enhance your cycle creation workflow. Particularly handy when creating cycles that don’t begin at the start of the timeline.
- Works across all visible timeline keyframes, and multiple channel cycles can be created in a single click
- When multiple channel keyframes are selected - each channel is processed individually (i.e. Cycle Around/To/From)
- Will overwrite existing cycle-from (origin) keyframe cycle-back distance setting
- Preserves cycle-to (destination) keyframes/values
- Cycles are created Relative
To use:
- Select one or more keyframes, (optionally adjust current frame), and Run the tool from the Tools palette
Additional Notes:
- version: 01.00 #520930 MH12+
- release: 1.00
- Compatible with MH12+
Special Thanks to:
- Stan (and the team): MOHO Scripting – https://mohoscripting.com
- The friendly faces @ Lost Marble Moho forum – https://www.lostmarble.com/forum/
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 1199