ScriptName = "msPhonemes" -- utility scripts cannot be in the menu directory --[[ --Class for generating phonemes from strings. -- Originally written to support lipSync in Anime Studio ]] -- next steps -- turn phoneme list into switch frames, removing duplicates as needed (space out frames -- remove silent e -- special case handling (what - qw u etc; about - u mpb ai o etc) -- ignore e at the end of a word -- long if only one consonant between -- y at end i -- IO library msPhonemes = {} --[[First element shows mouth position --second element shows length of time -- c - only one frame -- v - multiple frames ]] msPhonemes.phonemeMap = { a = { "AI", "v" }, b = { "MBP", "c" }, c = { "etc", "c" }, d = { "etc", "c" }, e = { "E", "v" }, f = { "FV", "v" }, g = { "etc", "c" }, h = { "etc", "c" }, i = { "E", "v" }, j = { "etc", "c" }, k = { "etc", "c" }, l = { "L", "v" }, m = { "MBP", "v" }, n = { "etc", "v" }, o = { "O", "v" }, p = { "MBP", "c" }, q = { "WQ", "c" }, r = { "etc", "v" }, s = { "etc", "v" }, t = { "etc", "c" }, u = { "U", "v" }, v = { "FV", "v" }, w = { "WQ", "v" }, x = { "etc", "v" }, y = { "etc", "v" }, z = { "etc", "v" }, oo = { "U", "v" }, oa = { "O", "v" }, ee = { "E", "v" }, ea = { "E", "v" }, ch = { "etc", "c" }, th = { "etc", "v" }, gh = { "FV", "v" }, ou = { "U", "v" }, wh = { "WQ", "v" }, igh = { "AI", "v" }, eigh = { "AI", "v" }, A = { "AI", "v" }, E = { "E", "v" }, I = { "AI", "v" }, U = { "U", "v" }, O = { "O", "v" }, R = { "O", "v" }, ["-"] = { "rest","c"} } msPhonemes.phonemeSpecials = { wha = { { "WQ", "v" }, { "U", "v" } }, out = { { "AI", "v" }, { "O", "v" }, { "etc", "c" } } } function -- private variables local self = {} self.boneMaps = {} self.boneMap = nil function self.BuildPhonemeMap(path) local f =, "r") if (f == nil) then print("lipSync File not found in: " .. path) return end --Read the first line of the file local line = f:read() local name, numBones = self.splitStringByWord(line) while (string.upper(name) ~= "END") do --print("name " .. name) numBones = tonumber(numBones) self.addBoneMap(name, numBones) self.getBoneNames(name,numBones, f:read()) for i = 1, 10, 1 do self.addPhonemeBones(name,numBones, f:read()) end line = f:read() name, numBones = self.splitStringByWord(line) end f:close() end function self.addBoneMap(name,numBones) self.boneMaps[name] = {} self.boneMaps[name]["numBones"] = numBones end function self.getBoneNames(name,numBones,line) for i = 1, numBones, 1 do self.boneMaps[name][i], line = self.splitStringByWord(line) end end -- call this before calling any of the bone map specific functions function self.setBoneMap(name) self.boneMap = self.boneMaps[name] if self.boneMap == nil then print("boneMap " .. name .. " does not exist") end end function self.numBones() if self.boneMap == nil then print("bone has not been set") end return self.boneMap["numBones"] end function self.boneName(id) if self.boneMap == nil then print("bone has not been set") end return self.boneMap[id] end function self.boneAngle(id, mouth) if self.boneMap == nil then print("bone has not been set") end return self.boneMap[mouth][self.boneName(id)] end function self.boneAngleRad(id, mouth) return math.rad(self.boneAngle(id,mouth)) end function self.addPhonemeBones(name,numBones, line) local bones = {} local phoneme = "" phoneme, line = self.splitStringByWord(line) for i = 1, numBones, 1 do bones[self.boneMaps[name][i]], line = self.splitStringByWord(line) end local phonemeBones = {} self.boneMaps[name][phoneme] = bones end function self.dump(table) for k, v in pairs(table) do if (type(v) == "table") then print("table key " .. k) self.dump(v) else print("key " .. k .. " value " .. v) end end end function self.splitStringByWord(myString) local s, e = string.find(myString, "%S+") return string.sub(myString,s,e), string.sub(myString, e + 1) end function self.splitStringByCount(myString, count) return myString:sub(1, count), myString:sub(count + 1) end function self.countPhonemes(phonemeList) local numConsonants = 0 local numVowels = 0 for k, v in pairs(phonemeList) do if v[2] == "v" then numVowels = numVowels+1 else numConsonants = numConsonants + 1 end end return numVowels, numConsonants end function self.findPhonemeInList(phrase, len, stringList) return stringList[phrase:sub(1, len)] end function self.addPhonemesFromWordPhonetically(word, phonemeList) msHelper:Debug("splitting word phonetically") local wordLen = word:len() if wordLen < 1 then return nil, nil end for i = 1,wordLen, 1 do local letter = word:sub(i, i) msHelper:Debug("letter " ..letter) if letter:match("%a-") == nil then msHelper:Debug(letter .. " is not a letter, setting phoneme to rest") msHelper:Debug("rest is '" .. msPhonemes.phonemeMap["-"][1] .. "' ") table.insert(phonemeList, msPhonemes.phonemeMap["-"]) elseif string.match(letter,"[^AEIOUR]") then letter = letter:lower() end local phoneme = msPhonemes.phonemeMap[letter] if phoneme == nil then msHelper:Debug(letter .. " not understood, setting phoneme to rest") msHelper:Debug("rest is '" .. msPhonemes.phonemeMap["-"][1] .. "' ") table.insert(phonemeList, msPhonemes.phonemeMap["-"]) else msHelper:Debug(" phoneme " .. phoneme[1]) table.insert(phonemeList, phoneme) end end end function self.findNextNonphoneticPhoneme(word) msHelper:Debug("splitting word non-phonetically") local wordLen = word:len() -- nonPhonetic match needs to be lower case word = word:lower() if wordLen < 1 then return nil, nil end local len = 4 if wordLen < len then len = wordLen end for i = len, 1, -1 do local phrase, remainder = self.splitStringByCount(word, i) if i == 1 then if string.match(phrase, "%a") == nil then msHelper:Debug(phrase .. " is not a letter, setting phoneme to rest") return msPhonemes.phonemeMap["-"], remainder end end local phoneme = self.findPhonemeInList(phrase, i, msPhonemes.phonemeMap) if phoneme ~= nil then return phoneme, remainder else end end -- if the phoneme is not found, assume it's punctuation and return etc msHelper:Debug("word " .. word .. " not found. Setting phoneme to etc") return msPhonemes.phonemeMap["etc"], remainder end function self.addPhonemesInWordToList(word, phonemeList, splitPhonetically) local phoneme if splitPhonetically then self.addPhonemesFromWordPhonetically(word, phonemeList) else while (word ~= "") and (word ~= nil) do phoneme, word = self.findNextNonphoneticPhoneme(word) table.insert(phonemeList, phoneme) --print("phoneme " .. phoneme .. " remainder " .. word) --print("phoneme " .. phoneme) end end end function self.buildPhonemeListFromPhrase(phrase, phonemeList, splitPhonetically) for word in (string.gmatch(phrase, "%S+")) do self.addPhonemesInWordToList(word, phonemeList, splitPhonetically) end end return self end
Author: strider2000
View Script
Script type: Utility
Uploaded: Jan 29 2022, 20:40
Script Version: 0
Utility file needed by msLipSync
Utility file needed by msLipSync
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 1974
Author: strider2000
View Script
Script type: Utility
Uploaded: Jan 29 2022, 20:40
Script Version: 0
Utility file needed by msLipSync
Utility file needed by msLipSync
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 1974