-- ************************************************** -- Provide Moho with the name of this script object -- ************************************************** ScriptName = "HS_Globals" -- ************************************************** -- General information about this script -- ************************************************** HS_Globals = {} function HS_Globals:Name() return "Print Globals" end function HS_Globals:Version() return "3.93" end function HS_Globals:Description() return "Print global variables tables" end function HS_Globals:Creator() return "HayaSidist" end function HS_Globals:UILabel() return("Print Globals to HTML file") end local thisUUT = "E" -->> Live run **** vvv local HS_Test_harness = {} HS_Test_harness.tracePrint = function () end HS_Test_harness.diagnosePrint = function () end HS_Test_harness.diagnoseModifierKeys = function () end --<< ***** ^^^^^^ --[[]] -- ************************************************** -- The guts of this script -- ************************************************** function HS_Globals:Run(moho) HS_Globals:Execute (moho, _G, "") end function HS_Globals:Execute (moho, what, tag) -- -- show all global variables (recursive traverse of tables) -- local seen={} local strg, k, v local deep = 1 local qualName = {} -- the elements of a qualified name local header = {} -- the header last at each level (saves rebuilding it) local t0 local num, str, boo, uDat = "number", "string", "boolean", "userdata" -- local cAPI1 = "tolua_ubox" local cAPI2 = ".collector" local cAPI3 = ".set" local cAPI4 = ".get" local showSystem = false -- local showSystem = true local showNonAlpha = false -- local showNonAlpha = true local doAscii = 1 local doNotCaseSensitive = 2 local function strictAscii (a,b) return (a<b) end local function notCaseSensitive (a,b) local la, lb la = a:lower() lb = b:lower() return (la<lb) end local keySort = {strictAscii, notCaseSensitive} local sortOpt = doAscii -- local sortOpt = doNotCaseSensitive local function filePath (s, opt) -- opt = true => ensure s is of form <path>file.ext; otherwise return just file.ext local i, j, k, n, p, q local prefix = "globals" local dot = "." local suffix ="htm" local inStr local path = moho:UserAppDir() local pc = string.find(path,"\\") local mac = string.find(path,"/") local delim = "" if mac ~= nil then inStr = "^(%w*%.*%w*)(/.*)" end if pc ~= nil then inStr = "^(%w*%.*%w*)(\\.*)" end p = string.reverse (s) q, n = string.gsub (p, inStr, "%1") q = string.reverse (q) if opt then i, j = string.find (q, ".", 1, true) if #q == 0 then s = s .. prefix .. dot .. suffix HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, "add whole file name") elseif #q == i then s = s .. suffix HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, "add suffix") elseif #q > 0 and not i then s = s .. dot .. suffix HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, "add <dot> suffix") else HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, "ok???!") end else s = q end return s end -- -- ** line-by-line output -- local function Fitem (type, string, f) -- format a string with attribute local err, strg strg = "<" .. type .. ">" .. string .. "</" .. type .. ">" return (strg) end local function Fwrite (type, string, f) -- write a line local err, strg strg = Fitem (type, string, f) err = f:write(strg .. "\n") return err end local function Bwrite (type, string, f) -- begin a type local err, strg strg = "<" .. type .. ">\n" err = f:write(strg) return (err) end local function Ewrite (type, string, f) -- end a type local err, strg strg = "</" .. type .. ">\n" err = f:write(strg) return (err) end local function fmtVal (v2) local varType = type(v2) local varVal = nil local varDisp = nil if varType == num then varVal = (string.format ("%.6g", v2)) elseif (varType == str) or (varType == boo) then varVal = tostring (v2) elseif varType == uDat then varVal = HS_formatUserData (v2) end if varVal then varVal = Fitem ("i", varVal) -- italic the value varDisp = varType .. " " .. varVal else varDisp = varType -- varType includes the type tag and an internal address end return varDisp end -- -- -- -- ********************************* identify the output -- local function fileId (f) local err local vers local date = os.date ("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") -- see http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/strftime.html err = Bwrite ("p", "", f) err = Fwrite ("li", self:Description() .. " Version " .. self:Version() .. "<br>", f) -- identfy this program err = Fwrite ("li", "Print created: " .. date .. "<br>", f) -- timestamp if type (MOHO.ScriptInterface.AppVersion) == "function" then -- identfy Moho version (if there) local MohoVers = 0 MohoVers = tonumber((string.gsub(MOHO.ScriptInterface.AppVersion(), "^(%d+)(%.%d+)(%..+)", "%1%2"))) if MohoVers < 12 then vers = "Anime Studio Version " else vers = "Moho Version " end vers = vers .. Fitem ("b", moho:AppVersion(), f) err = Fwrite("li", vers, f) -- identfy end err = Ewrite ("p", "", f) return err end -- -- ********************************* the main table / entry print routine -- local function dump(t, level, f) -- -- t is the table to dump; level is the table level (1 = outermost), f is the file identifier -- deep = deep +1 local simple = {} -- place to store simple data types local tables = {} -- place to store tables ... local systems = {} -- place to store system type data ... local nonAlpha = {} -- and the non-stringy keys (e.g. functions) local ns, nt, nx, nq = 0, 0, 0, 0 -- TABLES START AT _ONE_ not zero!!!! Increment index BEFORE store!! local j=0 seen[t]=true -- we've done this table nx, nq = 0, 0 for k, v in pairs(t) do -- take the keys and values from table t HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, k, type(k)) if type(k) == "string" then if (string.sub(k,1,1) ~= "_") -- and (k ~= cAPI1) and (k ~= cAPI2) and (k ~= cAPI3) then if type(t[k]) == "table" then nt = nt + 1 tables[nt] = k else ns = ns + 1 simple[ns] = k end else nx = nx +1 -- count of "systems-y" keys systems[nx] = k end else -- -- other key type (e.g. function) -- HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, strg, "has key of type", type(k)) nq = nq +1 -- count of non-string keys nonAlpha[nq] = k end end table.sort(simple, keySort[sortOpt]) -- sort the keys (table s has a list of keys; the "v in s" is the "k of t") table.sort(tables, keySort[sortOpt]) table.sort(systems, keySort[sortOpt]) table.sort(nonAlpha, keySort[sortOpt]) -- -- report the tables -- if showNonAlpha then for k,v in ipairs(nonAlpha) do HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, type(t[k]), tostring(t[k]), tostring(t[v])) -- qualName[deep] = v v = "key " .. type(t[k]) local varDisp = tostring(t[k]) v = Fitem ("b", v) -- format the tag as bold strg = v .. " " .. varDisp err = Fwrite("li", strg, f) end else if nq > 0 then strg = "table has " .. tostring (nq) .. " non-alphanumeric keys" strg = Fitem ("b", strg) -- bold the value err = Fwrite("li", strg, f) end end if showSystem then for k,v in ipairs(systems) do HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, k, v, type(t[v]), t[v]) qualName[deep] = v local varDisp = fmtVal (t[v]) v = Fitem ("b", v) -- format the tag as bold strg = v .. " " .. varDisp err = Fwrite("li", strg, f) end else if nx > 0 then strg = "table has " .. tostring (nx) .. " hidden keys" strg = Fitem ("b", strg) -- bold the value err = Fwrite("li", strg, f) end end for k,v in ipairs(simple) do HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, k, v, type(t[v]), t[v]) qualName[deep] = v local varDisp = fmtVal (t[v]) v = Fitem ("b", v) -- format the tag as bold strg = v .. " " .. varDisp err = Fwrite("li", strg, f) end for k,v in ipairs(tables) do HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, k, v, type(t[v]), t[v]) qualName[deep] = v local varDisp = "" local v2 = t[v] local varType = type(v2) local varVal = tostring (v2) if not seen[v2] then HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, "Deep=", deep, qualName[deep]) if qualName[1] == "" then strg = "" else strg = qualName[1] .. "." end for j = 2, deep-1 do strg = strg .. qualName[j] .. "." end if v == cAPI4 then header [level+1] = strg .. "[" .. cAPI4 .. "]" strg = strg .. " Attributes:" else strg = strg .. qualName[deep] header [level+1] = strg strg = strg .. " Table begin" end err = Fwrite("h"..tostring(level+1), strg, f) err = Bwrite("ul", "", f) dump(v2, level+1, f) end end -- -- show end of indented table details -- err = Ewrite("ul","", f) strg = "end" err = Fwrite("h"..tostring(level), strg, f) -->> level not checked -- assumed less than the 6 supported in html5 deep = deep - 1 end -- -- ********************* Run code starts here -- local thisUUT = "A" HS_Test_harness:tracePrint (thisUUT, self:Name(), self:Version()) HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, type(what), tag) if type(what) == "table" then t0 = what elseif type(what) == "nil" then t0 = _G elseif type(what) == "function" or type(what) == "thread" then t0 = nil elseif type(what) == num then t0 = (string.format ("%.6g", what)) elseif (type(what) == str) or (type(what) == boo) then t0 = tostring (what) elseif type(what) == uDat then t0 = HS_formatUserData (v2) end if type (tag) ~= str then if type(t0) ~= str then qualName[1] = "" else qualName[1] = type(what) end else qualName[1] = tag end strg = qualName[1] HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, "validated inputs", type(t0), strg) if type(t0) == "table" then -- -- ** open file for write and recursively dump the tables... -- local path = LM.GUI.SaveFile("save globals to file?") if path == "" then return false -- cancel pressed end path = filePath(path, true) -- fill in filename and extension if necessary local f, err = io.open(path, "w") if (f == nil) then err = "file open error: " .. err LM.GUI.Alert (LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING, err, nil, nil, "OK", nil, nil) return end err = Bwrite("!DOCTYPE html", "", f) err = Bwrite("html", "", f) err = Bwrite("body", "", f) if strg == "" then strg = "Global Table (_G)" end err = fileId (f) -- identify the output local level = 1 header[level] = strg strg = strg .. " begin" err = Fwrite("h1", strg, f) err = Bwrite("ul", "", f) dump(t0, level, f) -- level 1 to start -- but level and deep NEED NOT be the same (but usually are!) err = Ewrite("ul", "", f) err = Ewrite("body", "", f) err = Ewrite("html", "", f) f:close() if os.execute () then -- check for os shell and throw the output file at it if the "open" button is pressed local openOutput = 0 local doWhat = LM.GUI.Alert (LM.GUI.ALERT_INFO, "output is in " .. path, nil, nil, "Open", "OK", nil) if doWhat == openOutput then path = filePath(path, false) local ok, err = os.execute (path) if not ok then LM.GUI.Alert (LM.GUI.ALERT_INFO, "Could not execute " .. path, "System returned " .. err, nil, "OK", nil, nil) HS_Test_harness:diagnosePrint (thisUUT, "execute failed ", err) end end else LM.GUI.Alert (LM.GUI.ALERT_INFO, "output is in " .. path, nil, nil, "OK", nil, nil) end elseif type(t0) == "string" then LM.GUI.Alert (LM.GUI.ALERT_INFO, strg, t0, nil, "OK", nil, nil) else LM.GUI.Alert (LM.GUI.ALERT_INFO, "Cannot display value of " .. tag, "it is of type " .. type(what), nil, "OK", nil, nil) end return true end
Print Globals to HTML
Author: hayasidist
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Jul 15 2022, 03:30
Last modified: May 12 2023, 04:49
Script Version: 3.93
Outputs a snapshot of the whole Global table to an HTML file
HS_Globals – version 3.93
This script scans the list of global variables used within Moho and creates a list of these and, for variables, their instantaneous values in an html file.
Minor changes from 3.83 (last published version) in the output formatting. Minor code re-structuring for future enhancement.
Copy the script file to
\scripts\menu\Script Writing
(or any other directory as required)
HS_formatUserData.lua - this need to be in the utilities folder.
Navigate to
>> Scripts / Script writing / Print Globals to HTML file
When prompted, enter a valid path and file name. The script will add “.html” as a suffix if not entered.
Press “save”. (Pressing “cancel” abandons the operation.)
If the file already exists confirm that it is OK to overwrite.
When the script has run an information pop-up will be presented giving the full path of the created file. If the operating system supports commands from LUA, there will be two buttons:
>> “Open” will invoke the browser and open the output file. If this operation fails it will do so without issuing any diagnostic, but the output file will still be saved.
>> “OK” to acknowledge the message and exit without opening the file.
If the operating system does not support commands from LUA, only the “OK” button will be presented.
(note that the standard Moho utility is in the same menu list as simply “Print Globals” – this lists the globals on the LUA console).
Known Issues
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 606
Print Globals to HTML
Author: hayasidist
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Jul 15 2022, 03:30
Last modified: May 12 2023, 04:49
Script Version: 3.93
Outputs a snapshot of the whole Global table to an HTML file
HS_Globals – version 3.93
This script scans the list of global variables used within Moho and creates a list of these and, for variables, their instantaneous values in an html file.
Minor changes from 3.83 (last published version) in the output formatting. Minor code re-structuring for future enhancement.
Copy the script file to
\scripts\menu\Script Writing
(or any other directory as required)
HS_formatUserData.lua - this need to be in the utilities folder.
Navigate to
>> Scripts / Script writing / Print Globals to HTML file
When prompted, enter a valid path and file name. The script will add “.html” as a suffix if not entered.
Press “save”. (Pressing “cancel” abandons the operation.)
If the file already exists confirm that it is OK to overwrite.
When the script has run an information pop-up will be presented giving the full path of the created file. If the operating system supports commands from LUA, there will be two buttons:
>> “Open” will invoke the browser and open the output file. If this operation fails it will do so without issuing any diagnostic, but the output file will still be saved.
>> “OK” to acknowledge the message and exit without opening the file.
If the operating system does not support commands from LUA, only the “OK” button will be presented.
(note that the standard Moho utility is in the same menu list as simply “Print Globals” – this lists the globals on the LUA console).
Known Issues
This script scans the list of global variables used within Moho and creates a list of these and, for variables, their instantaneous values in an html file.
Minor changes from 3.83 (last published version) in the output formatting. Minor code re-structuring for future enhancement.
Copy the script file to
\scripts\menu\Script Writing
(or any other directory as required)
HS_formatUserData.lua - this need to be in the utilities folder.
Navigate to
>> Scripts / Script writing / Print Globals to HTML file
When prompted, enter a valid path and file name. The script will add “.html” as a suffix if not entered.
Press “save”. (Pressing “cancel” abandons the operation.)
If the file already exists confirm that it is OK to overwrite.
When the script has run an information pop-up will be presented giving the full path of the created file. If the operating system supports commands from LUA, there will be two buttons:
>> “Open” will invoke the browser and open the output file. If this operation fails it will do so without issuing any diagnostic, but the output file will still be saved.
>> “OK” to acknowledge the message and exit without opening the file.
If the operating system does not support commands from LUA, only the “OK” button will be presented.
(note that the standard Moho utility is in the same menu list as simply “Print Globals” – this lists the globals on the LUA console).
Known Issues
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 606