-- WARNING: This script requires AE_Utilities.lua of version 1.12 or later! -- ************************************************** -- Provide Moho with the name of this script object -- ************************************************** ScriptName = "AE_MixSmartbones" -- ************************************************** -- General information about this script -- ************************************************** AE_MixSmartbones = {} function AE_MixSmartbones:Name() return "Smartbone Correction" end function AE_MixSmartbones:Version() return "1.3.4" end function AE_MixSmartbones:UILabel() return "Mix smartbones" end function AE_MixSmartbones:Creator() return "Alexandra Evseeva" end function AE_MixSmartbones:Description() return "Edit smartbone driven tracks on main timeline. Select smartbone at frame with keys on driven tracks and with no keys on smartbone's tracks.With one selected smartbone it's behavior will be corrected. With two selected smartbones a correcting bone will be created.On success all keys at this frame will be deleted." end -- ************************************************** -- Recurring values -- ************************************************** --AE_MixSmartbones.replaceKeys = 0 -- ************************************************** -- Is Enabled -- ************************************************** function AE_MixSmartbones:IsEnabled(moho) return moho:Skeleton() end -- ************************************************** -- The guts of this script -- ************************************************** function AE_MixSmartbones:Run(moho) moho.document:PrepUndo("mix smartbones", moho.layer) moho.document:SetDirty() --self.replaceKeys = 0 local skel = moho:Skeleton() if skel == nil then return LM.GUI.Alert(LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING, "Selected non-bones layer", "Select a bone layer", "", "EXIT") end local selBones = {} local selChans = {} for b=0, skel:CountBones()-1 do local bone = skel:Bone(b) local name = bone:Name() if bone.fSelected then if (moho.layer:HasAction(name) or moho.layer:HasAction(name.." 2")) then table.insert(selBones, bone) table.insert(selChans, bone.fAnimAngle) for a = 0, bone.fAnimAngle:CountActions()-1 do local boneName = bone.fAnimAngle:ActionName(a) if string.sub(boneName, -2) == " 2" then boneName = string.sub(1, -3) end local driveBone = skel:BoneByName(boneName) if driveBone then table.insert(selChans, driveBone.fAnimAngle) end end else return LM.GUI.Alert(LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING, "Selected bone", bone:Name(), "has no smart action", "EXIT") end end end self.keysCollection = self:CollectKeyValues(moho, selChans) if #self.keysCollection < 1 then return LM.GUI.Alert(LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING, "No keys at active frame", "Animate something in this frame", "", "EXIT") end if #selBones == 1 then self:CorrectSmartbone(moho, selBones[1]) elseif #selBones == 2 then self:CreateCorrectingBone(moho, {selBones[1], selBones[2]}) else return LM.GUI.Alert(LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING, "Wrong number of smartbones selected", "Select one or two smartbones for tuning", "", "EXIT") end moho.document:PrepUndo("update views", moho.layer) moho.document:SetDirty() for i, layer in AE_Utilities:IterateAllLayers(moho) do if not layer:IsReferencedLayer() then layer:UpdateCurFrame(true) end end moho.document:Undo() moho:UpdateUI() end function AE_MixSmartbones:CreateCorrectingBone(moho, smartbones) local skel = moho:Skeleton() if skel == nil then return end local sourceFrame = moho.layerFrame local angle1 = smartbones[1].fAngle local angle2 = smartbones[2].fAngle local corrName = smartbones[1]:Name()..self:RoundAngle(angle1).."|"..smartbones[2]:Name()..self:RoundAngle(angle2) local corrBone = skel:BoneByName(corrName) if corrBone then return self:CorrectSmartbone(moho, corrBone) end corrBone = skel:AddBone(0) corrBone:SetName(corrName) corrBone.fParent = -1 corrBone.fShy = true corrBone.fStrength = 0 corrBone.fAnimAngle:SetValue(0,0) local startPos = LM.Vector2:new_local() startPos:Set(-2,0) corrBone.fAnimPos:SetValue(0, startPos) --- set angles for corrbone's own action-------- moho.layer:ActivateAction(corrName) local frame1 = 150 local frame2 = 300 corrBone.fAnimAngle:SetValue(frame1, math.pi/4) corrBone.fAnimAngle:SetValue(frame2, math.pi/2) moho.layer:ActivateAction(nil) --- set corrBone animation in corrected smartbones for i=1,2 do --print("analise parent no ", i, ": ", smartbones[i]:Name()) local smartboneFrame, actName = self:FindFrameAndAction(moho, smartbones[i], smartbones[i].fAngle) if smartboneFrame > 0 then moho.layer:ActivateAction(actName) corrBone.fAnimAngle:SetValue(smartboneFrame, math.pi/4) local secondZero = AE_Utilities:FindSmartBoneFrame(smartbones[i].fAnimAngle:GetValue(0), smartbones[i].fAnimAngle, true) if secondZero > 0 then corrBone.fAnimAngle:SetValue(secondZero, 0) end moho.layer:ActivateAction(nil) else local alertText = "No angle '" .. 180*smartbones[i].fAngle/math.pi .. "' in '" .. smartbones[i]:Name() .."' actions" LM.GUI.Alert(LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING, "Can not find angle", alertText, "", "EXIT") skel:DeleteBone(skel:BoneID(corrBone)) moho.layer:DeleteAction(corrName) return end end skel:UpdateBoneMatrix() local keysCollection = self:EvalSmartboneCorrection(moho, frame2, corrBone:Name()) for k,v in pairs(keysCollection) do local actChannel = v.channel:ActionByName(corrBone:Name()) local actDerivedChannel = AE_Utilities:GetDerivedChannel(moho, actChannel) actDerivedChannel:SetValue(frame1, actDerivedChannel:GetValue(0)) for i=0, actChannel:CountKeys()-1 do actChannel:SetKeyInterpByID(i,MOHO.INTERP_LINEAR) end end end function AE_MixSmartbones:CorrectSmartbone(moho, smartbone) local corrFrame, actName = self:FindFrameAndAction(moho, smartbone, smartbone.fAngle) if corrFrame > 0 then self:EvalSmartboneCorrection(moho, corrFrame, actName) else LM.GUI.Alert(LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING, "Unused angle", "Selected smartbone has no action for this frame's angle ("..(180*smartbone.fAngle/math.pi)..")", "", "EXIT") end end function AE_MixSmartbones:CollectKeyValues(moho, excludeList) local function has_value(tab, val) for k,v in pairs(tab) do if v == val then return true end end return false end local keysCollection = {} for i, layer in AE_Utilities:IterateAllLayers(moho) do ------------------------------------- --if not layer:IsReferencedLayer() then ------------------------------------- if layer == moho.layer or layer:IsAncestorSelected() then local layerFrame = moho.frame + layer:TotalTimingOffset() for subId, channel in AE_Utilities:IterateLayerSubChannels(moho, layer) do if (not has_value(excludeList, channel)) and channel:HasKey(layerFrame) then local derivedChannel = AE_Utilities:GetDerivedChannel(moho,channel, true) if derivedChannel then local newValue = derivedChannel:GetValue(layerFrame) local v = {["channel"] = derivedChannel, ["keyVal"] = newValue, ["frame"] = layerFrame, ["layer"] = layer} table.insert(keysCollection, v) end end end end ------------------------------------- --end ------------------------------------- end return keysCollection end function AE_MixSmartbones:EvalSmartboneCorrection(moho, corrFrame, actName) local keysCollection = self.keysCollection print(#self.keysCollection) moho.layer:ActivateAction(actName) for k,v in pairs(keysCollection) do local oldValue = v.channel:GetValue(corrFrame) - v.channel:GetValue(0) v.channel:SetValue(corrFrame, v.keyVal + oldValue) v.channel:SetKeyInterp(corrFrame,MOHO.INTERP_LINEAR) end moho.layer:ActivateAction(nil) for k,v in pairs(keysCollection) do if not v.layer:IsReferencedLayer() then v.channel:DeleteKey(v.frame) --[[ if self.replaceKeys > -1 and v.channel:GetValue(v.frame) ~= v.channel:GetValue(0) then if self.replaceKeys == 0 then self.replaceKeys = LM.GUI.Alert( LM.GUI.ALERT_INFO, "Animation found!", "Some channels would not display default values after key removing.", "Would You like to set default value keys instead?", "No, thanks", nil, "Yes, please" ) - 1 end if self.replaceKeys == 1 then v.channel:SetValue(v.frame, v.channel:GetValue(0)) end end --]] end end return keysCollection end function AE_MixSmartbones:FindFrameAndAction(moho, smartbone, angle) local actName = smartbone:Name() local smartboneTrack = moho:ChannelAsAnimVal(smartbone.fAnimAngle:ActionByName(actName)) local smartboneFrame, subFrame = AE_Utilities:FindSmartBoneFrame(angle, smartboneTrack) if smartboneFrame < 0 then actName = actName.." 2" if(smartbone.fAnimAngle:ActionByName(actName))then smartboneTrack = moho:ChannelAsAnimVal(smartbone.fAnimAngle:ActionByName(actName)) smartboneFrame, subFrame = AE_Utilities:FindSmartBoneFrame(angle, smartboneTrack) end end if (subFrame-smartboneFrame) > 0.5 then smartboneFrame = smartboneFrame + 1 end return smartboneFrame, actName, smartboneTrack end function AE_MixSmartbones:RoundAngle(angle) local degrees = 180*angle/math.pi if math.abs(degrees-math.ceil(degrees)) < math.abs(degrees-math.floor(degrees))then return math.ceil(degrees) else return math.floor(degrees) end end
AE Mix Smartbones
Author: A.Evseeva
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Jul 14 2020, 07:54
Last modified: Feb 08 2022, 08:41
Script Version: 1.3.4
Mix two smartbones or tune one smartbone without opening its action
When two smartbones in non-zero position at the same time make unwanted deformations, You can fix it, modifying related tracks and saving the modification to reproduce it each time these two smartbones get saved angles.
Also You can fix one selected smartbone's behavior at its current angle, without entering into its timeline.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 2559
AE Mix Smartbones
Author: A.Evseeva
View Script
Script type: Button/Menu
Uploaded: Jul 14 2020, 07:54
Last modified: Feb 08 2022, 08:41
Script Version: 1.3.4
Mix two smartbones or tune one smartbone without opening its action
When two smartbones in non-zero position at the same time make unwanted deformations, You can fix it, modifying related tracks and saving the modification to reproduce it each time these two smartbones get saved angles.
Also You can fix one selected smartbone's behavior at its current angle, without entering into its timeline.
Also You can fix one selected smartbone's behavior at its current angle, without entering into its timeline.
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 2559