-- ************************************************** -- Provide Moho with the name of this script object -- ************************************************** ScriptName = "LK_Curvature" -- ************************************************** -- General information about this script -- ************************************************** LK_Curvature = {} LK_Curvature.BASE_STR = 2070 function LK_Curvature:Name() return "Curvature +" end function LK_Curvature:Version() return "2.5 based on 6.0" end function LK_Curvature:Description() return MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/Curvature/Description=Drag side to side to adjust the curvature through the selected points (hold <ctrl/cmd> to select points, <alt> to maintain peaked points, <shift> to constrain handle direction)") end function LK_Curvature:Creator() return "Smith Micro Software, Inc. Modded by Wes, Modded by Lukas Krepel, Frame Order" end function LK_Curvature:UILabel() return(MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/Curvature/Curvature=Curvature").." +") end function LK_Curvature:LoadPrefs(prefs) self.showHandles = prefs:GetBool("LM_TransformPoints.showHandles", false) self.lockedMode = prefs:GetBool("LK_Curvature.lockedMode", false) end function LK_Curvature:SavePrefs(prefs) prefs:SetBool("LM_TransformPoints.showHandles", self.showHandles) prefs:SetBool("LK_Curvature.lockedMode", self.lockedMode) end function LK_Curvature:ResetPrefs() LM_TransformPoints.showHandles = false end function LK_Curvature:ColorizeIcon() return true end -- ************************************************** -- Recurring values -- ************************************************** LK_Curvature.numSel = 0 LK_Curvature.selID = -1 LK_Curvature.savedVal = 0 LK_Curvature.MIN_CURVATURE = MOHO.PEAKED -- The built-in minimum for a long time was MOHO.PEAKED LK_Curvature.MAX_CURVATURE = 1.0 -- The built-in maximum for a long time was 2 / 3 LK_Curvature.selectMode = false LK_Curvature.lockedMode = true -- ************************************************** -- The guts of this script -- ************************************************** function LK_Curvature:IsEnabled(moho) if (moho:CountPoints() > 0) then return true end return false end -- * Modded by Lukas to incorporate MohoMode: function LK_Curvature:IsRelevant(moho) if MohoMode ~= nil then if MohoMode.vanilla then return false end end -- * local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return false end return true end -- ************************************************** -- Replace original -- ************************************************** function LM_Curvature:IsRelevant(moho) if LK_Curvature:IsRelevant(moho) then return false end -- * Copy of original function: local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return false end return true end function LK_Curvature:OnInputDeviceEvent(moho, deviceEvent) return LM_TransformPoints:OnInputDeviceEvent(moho, deviceEvent) end function LK_Curvature:TestForClosestHandle(moho, mouseEvent) self.selID = -1 self.handleSide = 0 local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end local g = mouseEvent.view:Graphics() local layerMatrix = LM.Matrix:new_local() moho.drawingLayer:GetFullTransform(moho.frame, layerMatrix, moho.document) g:Push() g:ApplyMatrix(layerMatrix) local minDistance = 1000000 local markerR = 6 local pt = LM.Point:new_local() if (self.showHandles) then if (MOHO.IsMohoPro()) then for i = 0, mesh:CountCurves() - 1 do local curve = mesh:Curve(i) for j = 0, curve:CountPoints() - 1 do if (not curve:Point(j).fHidden) then if (math.abs(curve:GetCurvature(j, moho.drawingLayerFrame)) > MOHO.PEAKED + 0.00001) then local testHandle = curve:GetControlHandle(j, moho.drawingLayerFrame, true) mouseEvent.view:Graphics():WorldToScreen(testHandle, pt) -- if (math.abs(pt.x - mouseEvent.pt.x) < markerR and math.abs(pt.y - mouseEvent.pt.y) < markerR and not(j == 0 and not curve.fClosed)) then if (not(j == 0 and not curve.fClosed)) then local distance = math.sqrt((pt.x - mouseEvent.pt.x) * (pt.x - mouseEvent.pt.x) + (pt.y - mouseEvent.pt.y) * (pt.y - mouseEvent.pt.y)) if (distance < minDistance) then minDistance = distance self.selID = mesh:PointID(curve:Point(j)) self.startHandle = testHandle self.handleSide = -1 self.handleCurveID = i self.handlePointID = j end end testHandle = curve:GetControlHandle(j, moho.drawingLayerFrame, false) mouseEvent.view:Graphics():WorldToScreen(testHandle, pt) -- if (math.abs(pt.x - mouseEvent.pt.x) < markerR and math.abs(pt.y - mouseEvent.pt.y) < markerR and not(j == curve:CountPoints() - 1 and not curve.fClosed)) then if (not(j == curve:CountPoints() - 1 and not curve.fClosed)) then local distance = math.sqrt((pt.x - mouseEvent.pt.x) * (pt.x - mouseEvent.pt.x) + (pt.y - mouseEvent.pt.y) * (pt.y - mouseEvent.pt.y)) if (distance < minDistance) then minDistance = distance self.selID = mesh:PointID(curve:Point(j)) self.startHandle = testHandle self.handleSide = 1 self.handleCurveID = i self.handlePointID = j end end end end end end end end local ptID = mesh:ClosestPoint(mouseEvent.startVec) if (ptID >= 0) then local selPt = mesh:Point(ptID) mouseEvent.view:Graphics():WorldToScreen(selPt.fPos, pt) local distance = math.sqrt((pt.x - mouseEvent.pt.x) * (pt.x - mouseEvent.pt.x) + (pt.y - mouseEvent.pt.y) * (pt.y - mouseEvent.pt.y)) if (distance < minDistance) then minDistance = distance self.selID = ptID self.handleSide = 0 end end g:Pop() end function LK_Curvature:OnMouseDown(moho, mouseEvent) local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end self.selectMode = false if (mouseEvent.ctrlKey) then self.selectMode = true mouseEvent.ctrlKey = false LM_SelectPoints:OnMouseDown(moho, mouseEvent) return end moho.document:PrepUndo(moho.drawingLayer) moho.document:SetDirty() if self.lockedMode then mesh:SelectNone() -- * In case multiple points are selected. end self.isDragging = true self.selID = -1 self.handleSide = 0 self.selList = MOHO.SelectedPointList(mesh) self.numSel = #self.selList if (self.numSel < 2) then -- * Work with only the closest selection -- * Find the closest point here self:TestForClosestHandle(moho, mouseEvent) if (self.selID >= 0) then self.numSel = 1 mesh:SelectNone() local pt = mesh:Point(self.selID) pt.fSelected = true moho:UpdateSelectedChannels() end end local curve = nil local ptPos = -1 self.startPeaked = false if (mouseEvent.altKey) then self.startPeaked = true end if (self.numSel == 1) then local pt = mesh:Point(self.selID) for j = 0, pt:CountCurves() - 1 do curve, ptPos = pt:Curve(j, ptPos) local c = curve:GetCurvature(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame) if (math.abs(c) > 0.0015) then self.startPeaked = false end if not self.lockedMode then curve:SetCurvature(ptPos, c, moho.drawingLayerFrame) end end else for i, pt in ipairs(self.selList) do for j = 0, pt:CountCurves() - 1 do curve, ptPos = pt:Curve(j, ptPos) local c = curve:GetCurvature(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame) if (math.abs(c) > 0.0015) then self.startPeaked = false end if not self.lockedMode then curve:SetCurvature(ptPos, c, moho.drawingLayerFrame) end end end end self.savedVal = 0 moho.drawingLayer:UpdateCurFrame() mouseEvent.view:DrawMe() end function LK_Curvature:OnMouseMoved(moho, mouseEvent) local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end if (self.selectMode) then mouseEvent.ctrlKey = false LM_SelectPoints:OnMouseMoved(moho, mouseEvent) return end local newVal = (mouseEvent.pt.x - mouseEvent.startPt.x) / mouseEvent.view:Graphics():Width() local curve = nil local ptPos = -1 if (self.numSel == 1) then if (self.handleSide ~= 0) then -- * Moving a handle: local curve = mesh:Curve(self.handleCurveID) local syncHandles = true local constrainHandles = false if (mouseEvent.altKey) then syncHandles = false end if (mouseEvent.shiftKey) then constrainHandles = true end local handlePt = self.startHandle + (mouseEvent.vec - mouseEvent.startVec) if constrainHandles then local pt = mesh:Point(self.selID) local linePoint = pt.fPos local lineDirection = linePoint - self.startHandle handlePt = FO_Utilities:NearestPointOnLine(linePoint, lineDirection, handlePt) elseif (moho.gridOn) then moho:SnapToGrid(handlePt) end if (math.abs(curve:GetCurvature(self.handlePointID, moho.drawingLayerFrame)) < 0.001) then curve:SetCurvature(self.handlePointID, 0.001, moho.drawingLayerFrame) end curve:SetControlHandle(self.handlePointID, handlePt, moho.drawingLayerFrame, self.handleSide == -1, syncHandles) else -- if not self.lockedMode then -- local pt = mesh:Point(self.selID) for j = 0, pt:CountCurves() - 1 do curve, ptPos = pt:Curve(j, ptPos) local c = curve:GetCurvature(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame) local negative = false if (c < 0.0) then negative = true end local weight = (curve:GetWeight(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame, true) + curve:GetWeight(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame, false)) / 2.0 c = c + (newVal - self.savedVal) / weight if (negative) then c = LM.Clamp(c, -self.MAX_CURVATURE, -self.MIN_CURVATURE) else c = LM.Clamp(c, self.MIN_CURVATURE, self.MAX_CURVATURE) end curve:SetCurvature(ptPos, c, moho.drawingLayerFrame) if (self.startPeaked) then -- preserve the peaked nature of this control point curve:AimControlHandleAtNeighbor(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame, true) curve:AimControlHandleAtNeighbor(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame, false) curve:CorrectControlHandleAngles(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame, true) end end -- end -- end else if not self.lockedMode then for i, pt in ipairs(self.selList) do for j = 0, pt:CountCurves() - 1 do curve, ptPos = pt:Curve(j, ptPos) local c = curve:GetCurvature(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame) local negative = false if (c < 0.0) then negative = true end local weight = (curve:GetWeight(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame, true) + curve:GetWeight(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame, false)) / 2.0 c = c + (newVal - self.savedVal) / weight if (negative) then c = LM.Clamp(c, -self.MAX_CURVATURE, -self.MIN_CURVATURE) else c = LM.Clamp(c, self.MIN_CURVATURE, self.MAX_CURVATURE) end curve:SetCurvature(ptPos, c, moho.drawingLayerFrame) if (self.startPeaked) then -- preserve the peaked nature of this control point curve:AimControlHandleAtNeighbor(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame, true) curve:AimControlHandleAtNeighbor(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame, false) curve:CorrectControlHandleAngles(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame, true) end end end end end self.savedVal = newVal moho.drawingLayer:UpdateCurFrame() mouseEvent.view:DrawMe() end function LK_Curvature:OnMouseUp(moho, mouseEvent) local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end -- if self.numSel < 1 and self.lockedMode then -- return -- end if (self.selectMode) then mouseEvent.ctrlKey = false LM_SelectPoints:OnMouseUp(moho, mouseEvent) self.selectMode = false self.selList = nil if (mouseEvent.pt.x == mouseEvent.startPt.x and mouseEvent.pt.y == mouseEvent.startPt.y) then mouseEvent.shiftKey = false mouseEvent.ctrlKey = false mouseEvent.altKey = false LM_SelectPoints:SingleClickSelect(moho, mouseEvent, false, true) end mouseEvent.view:DrawMe() return end if (self.numSel == 1 and self.handleSide ~= 0) then -- * Touched a handle local curve = mesh:Curve(self.handleCurveID) curve:CorrectControlHandleAngles(self.handlePointID, moho.drawingLayerFrame, true) end moho.drawingLayer:UpdateCurFrame() if (self.numSel == 1 and self.handleSide ~= 0) or not self.lockedMode then moho:NewKeyframe(CHANNEL_CURVE) end self.selList = nil self.isDragging = false moho:UpdateUI() -- * To check if new keys were made (which is too often!) TODO end function LK_Curvature:OnKeyDown(moho, keyEvent) LM_SelectPoints:OnKeyDown(moho, keyEvent) end function LK_Curvature:DrawMe(moho, view) if (moho:IsPlaying()) then return end local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end local g = view:Graphics() local layerMatrix = LM.Matrix:new_local() moho.drawingLayer:GetFullTransform(moho.frame, layerMatrix, moho.document) g:Push() g:ApplyMatrix(layerMatrix) g:SetSmoothing(true) if (self.selectMode) then LM_SelectPoints:DrawMe(moho, view) elseif (LM_TransformPoints.showHandles) then local meshLayer = moho:LayerAsVector(moho.drawingLayer) local selectedOnly = false -- * Currently always false -- * Curves: for i=0, mesh:CountCurves()-1 do local curve = mesh:Curve(i) local vec2 = LM.Vector2:new_local() vec2:Set(0,0) -- * Point Handles: for i = 0, curve:CountPoints()-1 do local point = curve:Point(i) local firstPoint = false local lastPoint = false if i == 0 and point:IsEndpoint() then firstPoint = true elseif point:IsEndpoint() then lastPoint = true end if (math.abs(curve:GetCurvature(i, moho.drawingLayerFrame)) < 0.001) then firstPoint = true -- * DISABLING HANDLES BECAUSE CURVATURE IS SMALL lastPoint = true -- * DISABLING HANDLES BECAUSE CURVATURE IS SMALL end -- if not point.fHidden and (not selectedOnly or point.fSelected) then local ptPos = point.fPos local handlePos = curve:GetControlHandle(i, moho.frame, true) local handlePos2 = curve:GetControlHandle(i, moho.frame, false) -- * Lines to handles: g:SetColor(63, 77, 76) -- * Handle color preference is not available, there's no MOHO.MohoGlobals.HandleCol if not firstPoint then g:DrawLine(ptPos.x, ptPos.y, handlePos.x, handlePos.y) end if not lastPoint then g:DrawLine(ptPos.x, ptPos.y, handlePos2.x, handlePos2.y) end -- * Handles: local handleRadius = 3 if point.fSelected then g:SetColor(MOHO.MohoGlobals.SelCol) end if not firstPoint then g:FillCirclePixelRadius(handlePos, handleRadius) end if not lastPoint then g:FillCirclePixelRadius(handlePos2, handleRadius) end if not point.fSelected or self.lockedMode then g:SetColor(MOHO.MohoGlobals.ElemCol) end if point.fSelected and not self.lockedMode then g:SetColor(MOHO.MohoGlobals.SelCol) end g:DrawFatMarker(ptPos.x, ptPos.y, 3) -- * Default point. end end -- * end end -- * Draw colored points: for i = 0, mesh:CountGroups()-1 do local group = mesh:Group(i) for j = 0, group:CountPoints()-1 do local groupName = group:Name() if groupName ~= "Shy" then local color = 12 for c = 1, #FO_Utilities.colorNames do local colorName = FO_Utilities.colorNames[c] if string.lower(groupName) == string.lower(colorName) then color = c end end local point = group:Point(j) if not point.fHidden then if point.fSelected and not self.lockedMode then g:SetColor(MOHO.MohoGlobals.SelCol) g:DrawFatMarker(point.fPos.x, point.fPos.y, 5) else g:SetColor(MOHO.MohoGlobals.ElemCol) g:DrawFatMarker(point.fPos.x, point.fPos.y, 3) end g:SetColor(FO_Utilities.colorsR[color], FO_Utilities.colorsG[color], FO_Utilities.colorsB[color]) g:DrawFatMarker(point.fPos.x, point.fPos.y, 2) end end end end g:Pop() end -- ************************************************** -- Tool options - create and respond to tool's UI -- ************************************************** LK_Curvature.PEAK = MOHO.MSG_BASE LK_Curvature.SMOOTH = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 1 LK_Curvature.CHANGE = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 2 LK_Curvature.NEGATIVE = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 3 LK_Curvature.RESET = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 4 LK_Curvature.DUMMY = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 5 LK_Curvature.SHOWHANDLES = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 6 LK_Curvature.LOCK_CURVATURE = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 7 LK_Curvature.SELECTITEM = MOHO.MSG_BASE + 8 -- * 8++ LK_Curvature.showHandles = false function LK_Curvature:DoLayout(moho, layout) self.menu = LM.GUI.Menu(MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/Curvature/SelectGroup=Select Group")) self.popup = LM.GUI.PopupMenu(128, false) self.popup:SetMenu(self.menu) layout:AddChild(self.popup) layout:AddChild(LM.GUI.StaticText(MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/Curvature/CurvatureField=Curvature:"))) self.curvatureText = LM.GUI.TextControl(0, "00.0000", self.CHANGE, LM.GUI.FIELD_FLOAT) self.curvatureText:SetWheelInc(0.01) layout:AddChild(self.curvatureText) -- layout:AddPadding(-14) self.lockButton = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/FO_icons/lock", "Lock Curvature (Disables dragging curvature in case you only want to be able to touch the handles)", true, self.LOCK_CURVATURE, true) layout:AddChild(self.lockButton) FO_Utilities:Divider(layout, "Peak/Smooth/Invert/Reset") self.peak = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/peak", MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/Curvature/Peak=Peak"), false, self.PEAK, true) layout:AddChild(self.peak) self.smooth = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/smooth", MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/Curvature/Smooth=Smooth"), false, self.SMOOTH, true) layout:AddChild(self.smooth) layout:AddChild(LM.GUI.Button("+/-", self.NEGATIVE)) self.resetButton = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/FO_icons/Reset", MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/Curvature/Reset=Reset"), false, self.RESET, true) layout:AddChild(self.resetButton) if (MOHO.IsMohoPro()) then FO_Utilities:Divider(layout, "Show") self.showHandleCheck = LM.GUI.ImageButton("ScriptResources/show_handles", MOHO.Localize("/Scripts/Tool/TransformPoints/ShowBezierHandles=Show Bezier Handles"), true, self.SHOWHANDLES, true) layout:AddChild(self.showHandleCheck) end end function LK_Curvature:UpdateWidgets(moho) if (moho:CurrentTool() ~= "LK_Curvature") then return -- this could get called when doing a double-tap on a multitouch Wacom device with a different active tool end if not LM_TransformPoints.showHandles then self.lockedMode = false end self.lockButton:SetValue(self.lockedMode) local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end MOHO.BuildGroupMenu(self.menu, mesh, self.SELECTITEM, self.DUMMY) local curvature = 0 local count = 0 local selList = MOHO.SelectedPointList(mesh) local curve = nil local ptPos = -1 for i, pt in ipairs(selList) do for j = 0, pt:CountCurves() - 1 do curve, ptPos = pt:Curve(j, ptPos) curvature = curvature + curve:GetCurvature(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame) count = count + 1 end end if (count < 1) then self.curvatureText:SetValue("") else curvature = curvature / count if (math.abs(curvature) < self.MIN_CURVATURE + 0.0001) then curvature = 0 end self.curvatureText:SetValue(curvature) end self.curvatureText:Enable(not self.lockedMode) if (MOHO.IsMohoPro()) then self.showHandleCheck:SetValue(LM_TransformPoints.showHandles) end end function LK_Curvature:HandleMessage(moho, view, msg) local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() if (mesh == nil) then return end if (msg == self.LOCK_CURVATURE) then self.lockedMode = not self.lockedMode moho:UpdateUI() elseif (msg == self.PEAK) then moho.document:PrepUndo(moho.drawingLayer) moho.document:SetDirty() for i = 0, mesh:CountPoints() - 1 do local pt = mesh:Point(i) if (pt.fSelected) then pt:SetCurvature(MOHO.PEAKED, moho.drawingLayerFrame) pt:ResetControlHandles(moho.drawingLayerFrame) end end moho:NewKeyframe(CHANNEL_CURVE) moho:UpdateUI() elseif (msg == self.SMOOTH) then moho.document:PrepUndo(moho.drawingLayer) moho.document:SetDirty() for i = 0, mesh:CountPoints() - 1 do local pt = mesh:Point(i) if (pt.fSelected) then pt:SetCurvature(MOHO.SMOOTH, moho.drawingLayerFrame) pt:ResetControlHandles(moho.drawingLayerFrame) end end moho:NewKeyframe(CHANNEL_CURVE) moho:UpdateUI() elseif (msg == self.CHANGE) then moho.document:PrepUndo(moho.drawingLayer) moho.document:SetDirty() local curvature = self.curvatureText:FloatValue() if (curvature > self.MAX_CURVATURE) then curvature = self.MAX_CURVATURE end if (curvature < -self.MAX_CURVATURE) then curvature = -self.MAX_CURVATURE end if (math.abs(curvature) < self.MIN_CURVATURE) then if (curvature < 0) then curvature = -self.MIN_CURVATURE else curvature = self.MIN_CURVATURE end end for i = 0, mesh:CountPoints() - 1 do local pt = mesh:Point(i) if (pt.fSelected) then pt:SetCurvature(curvature, moho.drawingLayerFrame) end end moho:NewKeyframe(CHANNEL_CURVE) moho:UpdateUI() elseif (msg == self.NEGATIVE) then moho.document:PrepUndo(moho.drawingLayer) moho.document:SetDirty() local curvature = 0 local selList = MOHO.SelectedPointList(mesh) local curve = nil local ptPos = -1 for i, pt in ipairs(selList) do for j = 0, pt:CountCurves() - 1 do curve, ptPos = pt:Curve(j, ptPos) curvature = curve:GetCurvature(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame) curve:SetCurvature(ptPos, -curvature, moho.drawingLayerFrame) end end moho:NewKeyframe(CHANNEL_CURVE) moho:UpdateUI() elseif (msg == self.RESET) then moho.document:PrepUndo(moho.drawingLayer) moho.document:SetDirty() local curvature = 0 local selList = MOHO.SelectedPointList(mesh) local curve = nil local ptPos = -1 for i, pt in ipairs(selList) do for j = 0, pt:CountCurves() - 1 do curve, ptPos = pt:Curve(j, ptPos) if (moho.drawingLayerFrame == 0) then curve:SetCurvature(ptPos, MOHO.SMOOTH, moho.drawingLayerFrame) curve:ResetControlHandles(ptPos, moho.drawingLayerFrame) else curve:SetCurvature(ptPos, curve:GetCurvature(ptPos, 0), moho.drawingLayerFrame) curve:SetWeight(ptPos, curve:GetWeight(ptPos, 0, true), moho.drawingLayerFrame, true) curve:SetWeight(ptPos, curve:GetWeight(ptPos, 0, false), moho.drawingLayerFrame, false) curve:SetOffset(ptPos, curve:GetOffset(ptPos, 0, true), moho.drawingLayerFrame, true) curve:SetOffset(ptPos, curve:GetOffset(ptPos, 0, false), moho.drawingLayerFrame, false) end end end moho:NewKeyframe(CHANNEL_CURVE) moho:UpdateUI() elseif (msg >= self.SELECTITEM) then mesh:SelectNone() local i = msg - self.SELECTITEM local name = mesh:Group(i):Name() mesh:SelectGroup(name) moho:UpdateUI() end if (msg == self.SHOWHANDLES) then if (MOHO.IsMohoPro()) then self.showHandles = self.showHandleCheck:Value() LM_TransformPoints.showHandles = self.showHandles moho:UpdateUI() end end end -- ****************************************************************** -- Custom beziers in LM_TransformPoints overwrites original function! -- ****************************************************************** -- function LM_TransformPoints:DrawMe(moho, view) -- if (moho:IsPlaying()) then -- return -- end -- if (self.lastSelectedCount ~= moho:CountSelectedPoints()) then -- self.lastSelectedCount = moho:CountSelectedPoints() -- self.pivotOffset:Set(0, 0) -- end -- if (self.mode == self.selectMode and self.dragging) then -- LM_SelectPoints:DrawMe(moho, view) -- elseif (self.fillingShape) then -- local g = view:Graphics() -- local matrix = LM.Matrix:new_local() -- moho.drawingLayer:GetFullTransform(moho.frame, matrix, moho.document) -- g:Push() -- g:ApplyMatrix(matrix) -- view:DrawPreviewShape() -- g:Pop() -- elseif (self.dragging and self.numSel == 1) then -- if (moho.drawingLayer:CurrentAction() ~= "" or moho:DisableDrawingTools()) then -- return -- welding in the middle of an action can lead to unexpected results -- end -- local g = view:Graphics() -- local matrix = LM.Matrix:new_local() -- moho.drawingLayer:GetFullTransform(moho.frame, matrix, moho.document) -- g:Push() -- g:ApplyMatrix(matrix) -- if (self.endWeldToPoint) then -- g:SetColor(0, 255, 0, 128) -- else -- g:SetColor(255, 0, 0, 128) -- end -- g:SetSmoothing(true) -- g:SetBezierTolerance(2) -- g:FillCircle(self.endWeldVec, moho:PixelToDoc(self.autoWeldRadius) / g:CurrentScale(false)) -- g:SetSmoothing(false) -- g:Pop() -- elseif (not self.dragging or self.mode == 11) then -- local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() -- if (mesh == nil) then -- return -- end -- self.numSel = moho:CountSelectedPoints() -- if (self.numSel >= 2) then -- local g = view:Graphics() -- local min = LM.Vector2:new_local() -- local max = LM.Vector2:new_local() -- local matrix = LM.Matrix:new_local() -- local centerVec = LM.Vector2:new_local() -- local v = LM.Vector2:new_local() -- local vc1 = LM.ColorVector:new_local() -- local vc2 = LM.ColorVector:new_local() -- vc1:Set(MOHO.MohoGlobals.SelCol) -- vc2:Set(MOHO.MohoGlobals.BackCol) -- --vc1 = (vc1 * 3 + vc2 * 4) / 7 -- vc1 = (vc1 + vc2) / 2 -- local col = vc1:AsColorStruct() -- local bbox = self:SelectedMeshBounds(moho, moho.drawingLayer, mesh, moho.drawingFrame, view) -- min:Set(bbox.fMin.x, bbox.fMin.y) -- max:Set(bbox.fMax.x, bbox.fMax.y) -- moho.drawingLayer:GetFullTransform(moho.frame, matrix, moho.document) -- g:Push() -- g:ApplyMatrix(matrix) -- g:SetColor(col) -- g:SetPenWidth(1) -- g:SetSmoothing(true) -- g:DrawLine(min.x, min.y, max.x, min.y) -- g:DrawLine(min.x, max.y, max.x, max.y) -- g:DrawLine(min.x, min.y, min.x, max.y) -- g:DrawLine(max.x, min.y, max.x, max.y) -- g:SetPenWidth(1) -- local rotWidth = max.x - min.x -- if (max.y - min.y > rotWidth) then -- rotWidth = max.y - min.y -- end -- rotWidth = rotWidth * 0.1 -- g:DrawLine(min.x - rotWidth, min.y - rotWidth, min.x - rotWidth, max.y + rotWidth) -- g:DrawLine(min.x - rotWidth, max.y + rotWidth, max.x + rotWidth, max.y + rotWidth) -- g:DrawLine(max.x + rotWidth, max.y + rotWidth, max.x + rotWidth, min.y - rotWidth) -- g:DrawLine(max.x + rotWidth, min.y - rotWidth, min.x - rotWidth, min.y - rotWidth) -- g:SetPenWidth(2) -- v:Set(min.x, min.y) g:FrameCirclePixelRadius(v, self.markerR) -- v:Set(min.x, max.y) g:FrameCirclePixelRadius(v, self.markerR) -- v:Set(max.x, min.y) g:FrameCirclePixelRadius(v, self.markerR) -- v:Set(max.x, max.y) g:FrameCirclePixelRadius(v, self.markerR) -- v:Set((min.x + max.x) / 2, min.y) g:FrameCirclePixelRadius(v, self.markerR) -- v:Set((min.x + max.x) / 2, max.y) g:FrameCirclePixelRadius(v, self.markerR) -- v:Set(min.x, (min.y + max.y) / 2) g:FrameCirclePixelRadius(v, self.markerR) -- v:Set(max.x, (min.y + max.y) / 2) g:FrameCirclePixelRadius(v, self.markerR) -- g:SetPenWidth(1) -- if (self.dragging) then -- centerVec:Set(self.centerVec) -- else -- centerVec = mesh:SelectedCenter() -- centerVec = centerVec + self.pivotOffset -- end -- g:SetColor(col) -- g:SetSmoothing(true) -- g:DrawLine(centerVec.x - 0.05, centerVec.y, centerVec.x + 0.05, centerVec.y) -- g:DrawLine(centerVec.x, centerVec.y - 0.05, centerVec.x, centerVec.y + 0.05) -- v:Set(centerVec.x, centerVec.y) g:FrameCirclePixelRadius(v, self.markerR) -- g:Pop() -- end -- end -- -- * Lukas mod draw bezier handles: -- if self.showHandles then -- local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() -- if mesh == nil then -- return -- end -- local g = view:Graphics() -- local layerMatrix = LM.Matrix:new_local() -- moho.drawingLayer:GetFullTransform(moho.frame, layerMatrix, moho.document) -- g:Push() -- g:ApplyMatrix(layerMatrix) -- g:SetSmoothing(true) -- local meshLayer = moho:LayerAsVector(moho.drawingLayer) -- local selectedOnly = false -- * Currently always false -- -- * Curves: -- for i=0, mesh:CountCurves()-1 do -- local curve = mesh:Curve(i) -- local vec2 = LM.Vector2:new_local() -- vec2:Set(0,0) -- -- * Point Handles: -- for i = 0, curve:CountPoints()-1 do -- local point = curve:Point(i) -- local firstPoint = false -- local lastPoint = false -- if i == 0 and point:IsEndpoint() then -- firstPoint = true -- elseif point:IsEndpoint() then -- lastPoint = true -- end -- if (math.abs(curve:GetCurvature(i, moho.drawingLayerFrame)) < 0.001) then -- firstPoint = true -- * DISABLING HANDLES BECAUSE CURVATURE IS SMALL -- lastPoint = true -- * DISABLING HANDLES BECAUSE CURVATURE IS SMALL -- end -- if not point.fHidden and (not selectedOnly or point.fSelected) then -- local ptPos = point.fPos -- local handlePos = curve:GetControlHandle(i, moho.frame, true) -- local handlePos2 = curve:GetControlHandle(i, moho.frame, false) -- -- * Lines to handles: -- g:SetColor(63, 77, 76) -- * Handle color preference is not available, there's no MOHO.MohoGlobals.HandleCol -- if not firstPoint then -- g:DrawLine(ptPos.x, ptPos.y, handlePos.x, handlePos.y) -- end -- if not lastPoint then -- g:DrawLine(ptPos.x, ptPos.y, handlePos2.x, handlePos2.y) -- end -- -- * Handles: -- local handleRadius = 3 -- if point.fSelected then -- g:SetColor(MOHO.MohoGlobals.SelCol) -- end -- if not firstPoint then -- g:FillCirclePixelRadius(handlePos, handleRadius) -- end -- if not lastPoint then -- g:FillCirclePixelRadius(handlePos2, handleRadius) -- end -- if not point.fSelected or self.lockedMode then -- g:SetColor(MOHO.MohoGlobals.ElemCol) -- end -- if point.fSelected and not self.lockedMode then -- g:SetColor(MOHO.MohoGlobals.SelCol) -- end -- g:DrawFatMarker(ptPos.x, ptPos.y, 3) -- * Default point. -- end -- end -- -- * -- end -- g:Pop() -- end -- -- * end bezier mod -- -- * start Lukas mod color points: -- local mesh = moho:DrawingMesh() -- if MOHO.hasbit(view:QualityFlags(), MOHO.bit(MOHO.LDQ_WIREFRAME)) then -- if mesh ~= nil then -- local g = view:Graphics() -- local layerMatrix = LM.Matrix:new_local() -- moho.drawingLayer:GetFullTransform(moho.frame, layerMatrix, moho.document) -- g:Push() -- g:ApplyMatrix(layerMatrix) -- for i = 0, mesh:CountGroups()-1 do -- local group = mesh:Group(i) -- for j = 0, group:CountPoints()-1 do -- local groupName = group:Name() -- if groupName ~= "Shy" then -- local color = 12 -- for c = 1, #FO_Utilities.colorNames do -- local colorName = FO_Utilities.colorNames[c] -- if string.lower(groupName) == string.lower(colorName) then -- color = c -- end -- end -- local point = group:Point(j) -- if not point.fHidden then -- if point.fSelected then -- g:SetColor(MOHO.MohoGlobals.SelCol) -- g:DrawFatMarker(point.fPos.x, point.fPos.y, 4) -- else -- g:SetColor(MOHO.MohoGlobals.ElemCol) -- g:DrawFatMarker(point.fPos.x, point.fPos.y, 3) -- end -- g:SetColor(FO_Utilities.colorsR[color], FO_Utilities.colorsG[color], FO_Utilities.colorsB[color]) -- g:DrawFatMarker(point.fPos.x, point.fPos.y, 2) -- end -- end -- end -- end -- g:Pop() -- end -- end -- -- * end Lukas mod color points -- end
Author: Lukas
View Script
Script type: Tool
Uploaded: Jun 02 2022, 07:33
Last modified: Sep 05 2023, 13:01
Script Version: 2.5 based on 6.0
Modded Curvature tool
Shows bezier handles in a different shape and color than points, so it's easier to distinguish them. Option to lock curvature for situations where you only want to work with the bezier handles and not accidentally touch the points.
Also supports point color from the LK_SelectPoints tool.
v2.2 - Bugfix where handles and color points would sometimes be drawn at the wrong spot
v2.3 - The bezier handles and color points now also show up when using the standard Transform Points tool
v2.4 - HoldĀ to constrain Handle direction
v2.5 - Fixed issue where you couldn't do anything when multiple points are selected with curvature locked
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 1260
Author: Lukas
View Script
Script type: Tool
Uploaded: Jun 02 2022, 07:33
Last modified: Sep 05 2023, 13:01
Script Version: 2.5 based on 6.0
Modded Curvature tool
Shows bezier handles in a different shape and color than points, so it's easier to distinguish them. Option to lock curvature for situations where you only want to work with the bezier handles and not accidentally touch the points.
Also supports point color from the LK_SelectPoints tool.
v2.2 - Bugfix where handles and color points would sometimes be drawn at the wrong spot
v2.3 - The bezier handles and color points now also show up when using the standard Transform Points tool
v2.4 - HoldĀ to constrain Handle direction
v2.5 - Fixed issue where you couldn't do anything when multiple points are selected with curvature locked
This script, and all other scripts on this site are distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.
Downloads count: 1260