
Scripts by A.Evseeva

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AE Transform points and curvature
by A.Evseeva Listed Feb 12 2021, 21:53
Tweak for built-in transform points and curvature to fix errors on smartbones driven points and bezier handles
Downloads: 1832
Merge skeletons by A.Evseeva Listed Jan 21 2021, 11:37
Merge bones from a nested skeleton layer into parent layer skeleton
Downloads: 1693
Invert layer transform by A.Evseeva Listed Jan 18 2021, 01:17
Inverts layer transform matrix
Downloads: 1380
Reset layer transform by A.Evseeva Listed Jan 18 2021, 01:15
Resets transform moving it to direct child layers
Downloads: 1538
Lua Console
by A.Evseeva Listed Jan 10 2021, 04:34
Console line in tool settings panel to enter lua commands
Downloads: 840
Tweak for Select Shape
by A.Evseeva Listed Sep 21 2020, 11:14
Select shape by name, turn shape on and off, trace outlines, fixed up/down moving of several shapes at a time
Downloads: 1085
Tweak for Curve Exposure
by A.Evseeva Listed Sep 19 2020, 23:04
Pick the end or start of curve exposure by mouse click
Downloads: 936
Create joint helper
by A.Evseeva Listed Sep 15 2020, 11:06
Create a bone rotating half of joint angle
Downloads: 1017
Replace PSD by A.Evseeva Listed Sep 15 2020, 10:52
Replace lost PSD layer (by order) keeping image size
Downloads: 977
AE Trangulate Shapes by A.Evseeva Listed Sep 15 2020, 10:34
Alternative to built-in Triangulate 2D Mesh, not deleting existing edges
Downloads: 857
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